31 Facts About Me for 31 Years

Green Birthday Dress Champagne Clutch Champagne Clutch Green Birthday Dress Green Birthday Dress Green Birthday Dress

In celebration of my 31st birthday get to know me with 31 facts! I did this post a few times and it’s always a hit. You can read the past ones here and here. So here it goes:

  1. I started a podcast this year, The Preppy Podcast as a way to support entrepreneurs and share their stories. Please listen 😉
  2. I’ve only ever lived in PA. Born here, went to college here, bought my house here
  3. I competed in and won Devon horse show as a kid, I just sat there and waved… it was the carriage show
  4. My spine is slightly crooked as I had (still have?) scoliosis as a kid but never bad enough for a brace, just yearly check ups on it
  5. As you know I don’t drink coffee but tried my first PSL this year! It was okay…
  6. I start my day with a cup of black tea, cheap Lipton to be exact
  7. I have 2 jack russell terries named Marty and Miles. They are from the same breeder and 3 days apart in age but aren’t actual brothers
  8. I hate artificial cinnamon… gum, candles, toothpaste. The spice is fine though on its own or in food
  9. I strongly believe that making your bed every morning make you more productive
  10. I really enjoy reading but don’t get to it much. When I do thought I read books on other entrepreneurs usually or anything by Sophia Kinsella.
  11. I love late 90s/early 00s rom com movies and rewatch them over and over again.
  12. My favorite actresses are Reese Witherspoon, Sandra Bullock and Kate Hudson.
  13. My favorite actors are Jude Law and Hugh Grant.
  14. I hate to cook (especially meats) and could live off of just eating snacks and “butter noodles”
  15. As a kid I loved American Girl Dolls and has Samantha, Kirsten, Felicity and a look a like doll. Felicity was my favorite
  16. I also loved Bryer horses as a kid and still have my collection of easily of 100 of them
  17. My first PR job out of college was working as a press secretary for a political campaign
  18. I love Broadway shows and have seen Young Frankenstein, Waitress, Wicked, Mean Girls, Hairspray, The Lion King, Chicago, Les Miserables, GiGi, and Hamilton
  19. I talk to my parents multiple times a day even though they live next door and I see them multiple times a week too
  20. I slept with a nightlight on until I was like 18 but now I’m the opposite and have to sleep with a sleep mask on lol go figure
  21. I’ve tried (taken lessons or got on the team for) piano, horseback riding, tennis, golf, gymnastics, ballet, jazz, tap, pointe, baton, field hockey, softball and floor hockey. I’m pretty sure softball and floor hockey were the shortest lived… one practice and I was out!
  22. I love to travel but also get very anxious about flying
  23. I dream of having a house with a soaking tub
  24. I’ve wanted to get chickens for the past 7 years but am also scared to… I’ve gone to classes, read the books, even have a coop ready to go!
  25. I hate being outdoors in the woods. I’m not very outdoorsy
  26. One of my dream cars is a little white convertible bug
  27. Every year I manage to accidentally grow pumpkins
  28. My first job was when I was 15 as a file clerk at a law firm
  29. My least favorite choir (besides cooking) is any sort of yard work or gardening
  30. My current favorite wine is a cab franc rosé and I’ve started really enjoying pinot noir from California

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Dress, Clutch, Earrings, Similar Shoes

Photography by Perfectly Paired Photography

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Hi, I'm Patricia
I’m the owner of Piqued PR, host of The Preppy Podcast and blogger sharing my favorite finds to entertain in style and decorate with color and pattern.
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