Hosting with Coton Colors

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Bowls, Platter, Pitcher (all c/o Coton Colors)

You know how fashionistas always talk about having classics (like a LBD, striped shirt, navy blazer, nude pumps, etc.) to create a well rounded wardrobe? Well as a hostess I believe the same should be done when entertaining. You should have a few recipes in your arsenal that can be thrown together with the contents found in your fridge or one that may require a trip to the grocery store but can be cooking on its own in the crockpot for hours.

Another thing a good hostess should always have on hand? A set of serve ware that not only is decoratively pleasing but can be tossed in the dishwasher for easy clean up and the microwave for heating up leftovers. Function and beauty, you see!

I  rely on my Coton Colors leopard serve ware. These trio of bowls are seriously huge, you can fit so much food into them and I love how they coordinate but aren’t identical. They certainly make a fun statement on the table. Inside you’ll find my favorite homemade pasta sauce and my refreshing cucumber salad. Both are super easy and delicious, here’s how to make them:

Pasta Sauce


  • 1 carrot
  • 1 rib celery
  • 1 cup mushrooms
  • 1 can (29 oz) tomato sauce
  • 1 can (6 oz) tomato paste
  • 2 onions
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 pound ground meat (I use ground turkey or chicken for a healthier spin but you can use beef too)
  • 1 tsp Italian herbs

Cooking Directions:

  1. Brown meat.
  2. Chop mushrooms, celery, carrot, onions and garlic in food processor or blender. Sauté on low with olive oil.
  3. Put meat, vegetables, Italian herds, tomato sauce and paste into crock pot.
  4. Cook on high for 4 hours.
  5. Add salt, pepper and red pepper to taste.

Cucumber salad


  • Cucumber
  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 2 tbs shredded mozzarella cheese

Cooking Directions:

  1. Chop cucumber slices up into small pieces (4 quarters) and place in bowl.
  2. Add in chicken peas and cheese.
  3. Squeeze half a lemon over contents and add olive oil.
  4. Toss to mix ingredients.
  5. Season with salt to taste.

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Hi, I'm Patricia
I’m the owner of Piqued PR, host of The Preppy Podcast and blogger sharing my favorite finds to entertain in style and decorate with color and pattern.
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