Photography by Avery Carter
This is me as I joyfully head out of the house once quarantine is over! Honestly quarantine has been hard. I get so sad thinking of the fun plans I had made that had to be canceled, traveling to Charleston, Palm Beach and Nashville for work, visiting NYC for for Memorial Day weekend, a tradition Will and I love! I miss my friends, I miss restaurants! I mourn for all the businesses, including my clients and my own business Piqued PR who are suffering. I miss my old life, that now I realize I take for granted. Of course I’m sad for the lives lost.
I’ve been trying to stay positive though and not get too into my thoughts and feelings. The best way I’ve found to do so is by staying busy. VERY busy! I’ve stained the front and back decks, planted a flower garden, deep cleaned the house AND the loft. Finally cleaned my car. I have to say I’ve even become quite the bartender and mixing up cocktails each week. I’ve found a new joy in doing online yoga and barre classes and staying active with daily walks of the dogs. Weekly virtual happy hours with friends is keeping me sane and letting me know I’m not alone.
How have you been? What have you been missing and what have you done to stay upbeat?