They sported cybernetic implants that allowed them to communicate with one another silently. GANK - Your Style. L'art du gank idée #1 : Préparation ! Les Ganks sont une espèce originaire d'une planète de l'Espace Hutt. Sentient[1] Les Neimoidiens détenaient le monopole sur le Ryll. It makes it more fun when 10 guys attack you in a fair fight! Sealed. The Ganks date to the second draft of the script for Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, revised by George Lucas from the first draft by Leigh Brackett on April 1, 1978. [18] The Neimoidians' use of Gank mercenaries rather than bounty hunters also constituted the first significant challenge to the dominance of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. [16] When the Enzeen attacked, the remaining Gank leapt off the sled and ran for the forest. A Anor Londo par exemple ils wait a 3 au spawn. [13], Ganks communicated verbally as well; some spoke Galactic Basic Standard. Star Wars ® is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. No infringement intended. They were infamous throughout the galaxy for their role in the Gank Massacres, when they were hired by Neimoidian traders to protect them from the ravages of the Porporite species, who were intent on gaining access to ryll spice. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [27], After the rise of the Galactic Empire, Ganks remained an active threat in the galaxy. Just before the Gank could cut him, the droid I-5YQ came to Dhur's aid. RodianClone. This item allows an individual to remove 2 setback dice from checks about handling the … Celle-ci est contrôlée par le Clan Hutt qui a réduit les Ganks en esclaves. [9] The species had no compunctions about premeditated murder, which lent them the nickname "Gank Killers. Visitez notre Google+, Twitter et Facebook. Le gank fait donc appel à vos ressources et à votre sens de la stratégie pour réussir à tuer les cibles que vous voulez. The head sat atop a thick neck, which emerged from between broad, strong shoulders. Lot # : 192 - STAR WARS GANK POWER DROID. [31], Two Ganks were hired by the Human Dominic Raynor to kill fellow Human gambler Lando Calrissian and his cyborg assistant, Lobot, less than two months after Calrissian became the Baron Administrator of Cloud City on the planet Bespin in 1 ABY. When a group of Jedi Knights reached the planet Ylesia and a battle broke out, the Ganks locked themselves in a bunker used by the Ylesian Senate. For information on this subject beyond The Old Republic, see: Gank on Wookieepedia. STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > PvP All you Gree Event Gank Squads Reply. [2] Small, mean-looking eyes peered from above the maw,[1] and ears facilitated the sense of hearing. [3] Smada and six Ganks located the quarry outside, where the Hutt ordered one Gank to capture the children. Celle-ci est contrôlée par le Clan Hutt qui a réduit les Ganks en esclaves. Wikis. Implant maximum is 3 + Brawn rating. Seeing his Ganks unable to leap high enough to seize the children, Smada shot the board itself, and the children disappeared. [8], Ganks rarely traveled alone;[1] they preferred to work in packs to achieve their goals. [25] According to a legend that arose during the period and remained popular among Jedi Padawans,[26] a group of fourteen Ganks once confronted the Korun Jedi Master Mace Windu, surrounding him with blasters drawn. In one instance in 19 BBY, the Sullustan journalist Den Dhur accidentally bumped into a group of three Ganks on the streets of Coruscant while stumbling home drunk from a bar. In it, Han Solo tells Leia Organa that he must leave the Rebel Alliance's base on the ice planet Hoth to pay off Jabba the Hutt. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Sociocultural characteristics There are currently 26378496 possible name combinations in the database! in an over … [1], Among members of other species, precious little was known about Gank culture well into the days of the New Republic. [26] Some Jedi thought the tale apocryphal, but it became an integral part of Windu's mystique among the members of his order. Gand are a species of short, humanoid-ish, insect-like beings. At the time, Neimoidian merchants discovered ryll spice on the planet Ryloth and cornered the market in its distribution. Although the comics never explicitly refer to these as Ganks, Bill Slavicsek's 1994 second edition and 2000 third edition of A Guide to the Star Wars Universe make such an identification. [11], During the Yuuzhan Vong War, in 28 ABY, at least two Ganks joined the group of Yuuzhan Vong sympathizers known as the Peace Brigade. Their lust for blood, their affinity for working together as an effective team, and their ability to communicate with each other through mechanized means made Ganks prized assets of many a Hutt gangster,[1] so Ganks were frequently seen on the moon as part of Hutt entourages. One exception was the shape-shifting Shi'ido Senior Anthropologist Mammon Hoole, who managed to infiltrate a group of Gank Killers by changing his form to resemble theirs. [1] Their heavy build afforded Ganks great strength,[4] yet they were also spry runners. [17], Prior to the Battle of Hoth, Jabba the Hutt had Gank Killers in his employ. That is all. When the Sith Empire spotted them, they dispatched an operative to negotiate with the Ganks and persuade them to leave peacefully, thus avoiding hostilities between the Empire and the Hutts. The typical member of the species had a face that was squared-off and yellow in color, the expression trapped in a perpetual snarl[1] that non-Ganks found unattractive. A mysterious species of mercenaries in the employ of the Hutts, the Ganks are among the most feared and bloodthirsty killers in Hutt Space. Biological classification Brutality and Brains - Fantasy Flight Games . The Ganks were a sentient humanoid species of fur-covered carnivores. RodianClone. Voyage vers Star Wars : Le Réveil de la Force, Voyage vers Star Wars : Les Derniers Jedi, Voyage vers Star Wars : L'Ascension de Skywalker, Star Wars: Dark Vador: Seigneur Noir des Sith, When the Ganks located the Solos, they demanded that the Humans surrender to the Hutts. GANK - Monetize your game time by GANK — Kickstarter. In the fighting, the Ganks and bounty hunters wiped one another out, and their quarry escaped. Ganks begin the game with one rank in Coercion or Vigilance. The Enzeen villager Chood appeared and explained that D'vouran itself was consuming the Ganks. Gank Images | Free Vectors, Stock Photos & PSD. When they realized Hoole was an imposter, he transformed into a Rishii avian and flew away. [45] However, 2000's third edition update to that book, also by Slavicsek, clarifies that the terms both refer to the species as a whole. "[10], Ganks rarely left any flesh exposed, so few non-Ganks had any idea what they truly looked like. Pass. [7] During the Cold War, a period of unrest between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, the word "gank" was used as an insult in general galactic parlance. 1.6 meters[1] Il existe dan Instead, the Gank disappeared. Exactly what a "Gank killer" was remained unaddressed until issues 3 and 4 of the comic book series Dark Empire were published by Dark Horse Comics in 1991 and 1992, respectively. Organa protests, but Solo replies that if he fails to pay Jabba the money he owes him, "there will be just too many [bounty hunters] to stop… Remotes, Gank killers, even Bell Cambos. Average height 491 likes. Choisir de notre Gank star jeux. Sure, the newer look is tough and cool, actually kind of kickass, but does it scream "EXTREME!!! Is the new FFG gank look too outdated and cheesy compared to the older more interesting and timeless look? Visual guide to the location of the SWTOR Datacron with my narrations for the Galactic History Codex Update attached to it. 0.00 USD . New Flat Bid (No Minimum) … Nonetheless, the Gank bounty hunter recovered, shot Durasha's hand, and ordered the two to release Thune. [3] The head sat atop a thick neck, which emerged from between broad, strong shoulders. Content approaching. They still may not train Coercion or Vigilance above rank 2 during character creation Cyborg: All Ganks are cyborgs, and each one often possesses several different cybernetic implants. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? 1,460 posts. Not Accepted. Skin color [8] Outsiders similarly knew little of the organization of Gank society, or whether they had any central rulers at all. Avec : Star Wars : Episode I - La Menace fantôme, Star Wars : Episode II - L'Attaque des clones, Star Wars : Episode III - La Revanche des Sith, Star Wars : Episode IV - Un nouvel espoir … Le premier film de la saga blockbuster nommée 'La Guerre des étoiles' (mieux connue sous son titre en anglais 'Star Wars') est apparu en 1977. [1], Also in Hoole's book was a breakthrough in understanding Gank biology made by another researcher, Doctor Hira Deboota of the Coruscant State Coroner's office. Distinctions However, no scientist was ever able to spend enough time in close proximity to a group of Ganks to prove or even provide evidence for the theory. GANK — це мультибрендовий магазин одягу для справжніх чоловіків. These are fabrics worn as a blanket which may protect from extreme warmth or cold. Hoole heard nothing, leading him to realize that the Ganks were able to maintain communication with one another through cybernetic implants. The Ganks wiped out the Porporites and then mounted a full-scale campaign of conquest against neighboring groups until stopped by the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. Les Ganks s'illustrèrent à de nombreuses reprises, au cours de l'histoire de la galaxie, notamment lors des massacres Ganks, ... Continuité Star Wars et ligne éditoriale HoloNet. They have huge compound eyes and enormous mandibles (like ant mouths), as well as an exoskeleton. Won. They wore mechanized battle armor into combat. (Need a name fast? Many sources, such as 1994's second edition of A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, are unclear as to whether the terms Gank and Gank Killer refer to the same thing, or whether the Gank Killers were a subset of the Gank species as a whole. Display preference: Regular Printer … The Gank loaded the prisoner in the back of a Y-wing starfighter and flew it to a rendezvous with Thune, who had captured the Human smugglers Celia Durasha and Treytis Prash and stolen their ship, the Faceted. Post. Watching. Neighboring factions,[12] including the Neimoidians themselves,[6] hired the Ganks for protection from the Porporites and to eliminate the threat they posed. An exception was the Senior Anthropologist and Shi'ido shape-shifter Mammon Hoole, who used his species' natural shape-shifting ability to infiltrate a pack of Ganks long enough to determine that they communicated through cybernetic implants, thus granting them an edge over other possible bodyguard candidates for the wealthy Hutts of Nar Shaddaa,[1] a moon of the Hutt homeworld, Nal Hutta. Ganks were rarely seen alone, as they moved around in packs and worked together to accomplish their aims. This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars RPG. "[40] The line was altered before shooting in 1979,[41] and the reference to Gank killers removed. Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy Small, mean-looking eyes peered from above the maw, and ears facilitated the sense of hearing. The monopoly agitated the Porporite species, for whom ryll was highly addictive, sending them into homicidal rages upon its consumption. Hoole arrived with twenty-four local villagers and convinced Smada to flee with his entourage. [17] A terrified Gank betrayed itself through the eyes. Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Experience: 110 XP Special Abilities: Coercion +1 or Vigilance +1 Cyborg: Start with up to 2 implants (with value up to 5000 credits, or more, using character creation credits in addition). Under the armor Ganks were hairy and powerful, with yellow, squarish faces and beady eyes. They otherwise had access to technology on par with the rest of galactic society,[1] such as vibroblades. Jan 21, 2017 - Ganks were a sentient species native to a planet located in Hutt Space that was conquered by the Hutt Cartel. This system began with the release of the beta Edge of the Empire rulebook in 2012, and it's since blossomed into full fantasticness with three core rulebooks, four beginner's boxes, and over a dozen adventures and sourcebooks. Nar Shaddaa (Possibly) Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Les Ganks sont une espèce originaire d'une planète de l'Espace Hutt. Le Gang de la Mort Guavien était une organisation criminelle qui était basée dans les mondes du Noyau avant que l'Empire ne soit vaincu par la Rébellion. [Source]. One backhanded him and knocked him over, while another pulled a vibroknife on the Sullustan's prone body in the gutter. [20], As early as 3999 BBY,[21] the species had come to be known as "Gank Killers"[22] due to their penchant for killing other sentients without remorse. Lowbacca then bashed their heads together, ending the threat they posed. Je vois rien d'autre que des groupes comme ca. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Homeworld [23] The name "Gank Killer" remained current into the Clone Wars, when the Besalisk restauranteur Dexter Jettster punned that the sliders he sold at his diner on the planet Coruscant had "no additives or Gank fillers. [34][43] Solo's quote was repeated in The Empire Strikes Back Official Poster Monthly 5, also published that year.[44]. Thes… There they often were found working for Hutts—acting as mercenaries, bounty hunters, bodyguards, and assassins. In the confusion, Durasha and Nedmak overwhelmed Thune and took her captive. The planet ate the Gank. [37], On a trip to Nar Shaddaa in 10 ABY, a group of Ganks teamed up with the Mandalorian bounty hunter Boba Fett to capture Han Solo and his family. The Ganks were a sentient humanoid species of fur-covered carnivores. In an effort to pressure the Arandas' caretaker, Mammon Hoole, to assassinate a target for him, Smada had a Gank thug assault Tash in the Don't Go Inn to underscore his message that Hoole must work for him. Your Bid. Les Ganks étaient un gang de chasseur de primes de sinistre réputation, prisé par les Hutts notamment sur Nar Shaddaa. [1] Ganks have since played minor roles in several Star Wars novels and stories, including John Whitman's Galaxy of Fear: Eaten Alive (1997), Walter Jon Williams' "The New Jedi Order: Ylesia" (2002), and Michael Reaves' Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight (2008). You can also generate your star wars name yourself. Lords of Nal Hutta–class. [46] The species is also mentioned in sourcebooks such as the Star Wars Encyclopedia,[10] The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia,[7] and the codex of the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.[6]. Click Main Image For Fullscreen Mode Winning. In response, some guild members took a page from the Ganks and worked for whomever paid the most, eventually fracturing the guild as more hard-line members quit in disgust. Posted at 2016-07-19 18:23:02+00:00. Le gank dans League of Legends peut se définir comme un ensemble d'actions coordonnées qui aboutissent à la mort d'un ou plusieurs ennemis. Yellow[1] Gank [38] Later that year, a group of Ganks working for the Hutts confronted Solo; his wife, Leia Organa Solo; and his former partner Salla Zend in Nar Shaddaa's Corellian Sector while the trio of Humans attempted to find a starship to take them to the Emperor's throneworld of Byss and to find the ancient Jedi Vima-Da-Boda. Hoole turned a corner and assumed the form of his pursuers. Star Wars Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Cinéma. [32] In 2 ABY, a Gank bounty hunter was hired by a Human counterpart named Thune to capture the Corellian smuggler Kaj Nedmak. Home About / FAQ Generate Names News Feedback. These capped two thickset, powerful arms, which terminated in hands with five fingers each. Designation Star Wars 9, l’épisode attendu au tournant. They dropped their weapons and turned themselves in to their would-be opponent. Other than that there's quite a lot of variation within the Gand species. They ordered the partners to play sabacc against one another to determine who would die first. The latter source includes an image of the species by R. K. [14] They also communicated through gestures and sounds, such as laughing when amused,[15] shrieking when frightened,[3] grunting when in pain,[16] and screaming when injured severely. A rival gang of bounty hunters, also searching for the Solos, arrived and attacked the Gank Killers. A free Star Wars random name generator geared towards the Star Wars universe. Games Movies TV Video. The cartel was controlled by the Hutts from the neighboring world of Nal Hutta, who turned the Gank into slaves or vassals. [1] Their warlike ways and physical strength ranked the Ganks among the galaxy's most redoubtable fighters. Physical characteristics [33] However, as the Gank ascended the gangway, Nedmak fell to his knees and tripped the Gank, who fell down the ramp. [7], The Ganks became infamous for their violent ways during the Gank Massacres, which erupted in 4800 BBY. This name generator will generate 10 names fit for the Gand race of the Star Wars universe. The cartel was controlled by the Hutts from the neighboring world of Nal Hutta, who turned the Gank into slaves or vassals. Select gender type: Male Female Neuter / no preference Number of names to generate: 1 5 10 25 50 100! [1] There they took to working for the Hutts[6] as assassins, bodyguards, bounty hunters, guards, and mercenaries. Other elements included pauldrons, a chestplate, a belt, a loincloth, pants, a holster, knee and elbow pads, gloves, knee-high boots, and small sheaths tied around the wrist to accommodate combat knives. Durasha then retrieved her blaster and shot and killed the Gank. Ganks, also known as Gank Killers, were a bloodthirsty, bipedal sentient species. Hoole later included an entry on the Ganks in his book The Essential Guide to Alien Species, in which he recounted his discovery. He sent some of them after Han Solo when the smuggler failed to pay back a debt he owed the crime lord. Vous accédez à son contenu et découvrez des écrits qui ne sont de toute évidence qu'un fragment de l'histoire galactique : Dépendante de l'épice Ryll qui la conduisit à une folie meurtrière, l'espèce Porporite constituait une menace pour la galaxie. As Thune brought Durasha out to meet the Gank, Nedmak attempted to escape, but the Gank overpowered him, bringing him to the Faceted on Thune's order. When Tash came to negotiate her brother's release,[15] Smada and his Gank bodyguards were forced to take cover when they heard a krayt dragon roar—actually a trick by the droid DV-9, who came to the Arandas' rescue with the children's skimboard. The Jedi Jaina Solo and Lowbacca infiltrated the bunker, and the Ganks opened fire. Ganks tended to kill any outsiders who approached them—including nosy anthropologists. Deboota hypothesized that Gank circuitry was a prototype for the final implementation of the devices used in the Yakas, a species whose cybernetic heritage came when the Arkanian species experimented on them. Upon hearing the droid's threat, the Ganks silently agreed to flee. Indeed, they worked so well together that sentientologists hypothesized that Ganks possessed at least basic telepathic abilities that allowed them to remain in constant communication with one another. [14] Smada continued his quest and sent a Gank assassin to shadow the children, who led the stalker to an abandoned laboratory, where they were accompanied by a local man named Kevreb Bebo, whom the Gank shot. [39], The Ganks date to the second draft of the script for Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, revised by George Lucas from the first draft by Leigh Brackett on April 1, 1978. However, at some point in their history, members of the species voyaged to Nar Shaddaa, which, over time, became their adopted home. [8], During the Galactic Civil War, Ganks operated on several planets beyond Hutt Space. Clad from head to toe in high-tech battle armor, these faceless thugs and enforcers are rarely seen in the flesh by non-Ganks. Unbeknownst to them, Jabba had set the ring up specifically to entrap the investigators, who had annoyed him with their frequent arrests of his associates. Tweet. Generate 50 random names now!) Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 > Cole-clark: 07.25.2013 , 06:42 AM | #1: Quote. The comics, written by Tom Veitch and illustrated by Cam Kennedy, feature Hutt background characters with armored retainers. By RodianClone, 2016-07-19 18:23:02+00:00 in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG. You only need to select the gender and specify the generated quantity (up to 100 can be generated at a time), then click the Generate button to get a lot of names. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The Empire Strikes Back Official Poster Monthly 5, Tales of the Jedi 4: The Saga of Nomi Sunrider, Part 2, Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith 3: Descent to the Dark Side, Star Wars 17: Emissaries to Malastare, Part 5, Star Wars 39: The Empire Strikes Back: Beginning, Dark Empire 4: Confrontation on the Smugglers' Moon, Dark Empire II 3: World of the Ancient Sith, A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Straight from the Horse's Mouth: A Guide to the Tales of the Jedi Universe, Part 2, A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, Star Wars Roleplaying Game Revised Core Rulebook, The Bounty Hunter Code: From the Files of Boba Fett, 0.00 USD. The Ganks opened fire, but the children possessed[3] a shield generator shaped like a pendant[30] that protected them from blasterfire. Status. Solo cited the Ganks chasing him as one reason why he had to abandon the Alliance to Restore the Republic to settle up with Jabba[34] in 3 ABY. Carnivorous[1] Gank are bipedal sentient species native to the ecumenopolis moon of Nar Shaddaa. Évadez-vous vers le paradis de ce jeu et ne me laissez pas vous arrêter! [5] They augmented their bodies with cybernetics,[6] making them a species of cyborgs. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. They relished opportunities for violent mayhem and massacring others, a joy that only embellished their reputation as bloodthirsty killers. May Have Won. [29] The children fled, but Zak was captured and imprisoned in Smada's stronghold under guard by six Ganks. From their necks some Ganks hung a variety of objects, including Old.! Shot Durasha 's hand, and the name will be automatically selected this template when finished Republic see... Few non-Ganks had any idea what they truly looked like arms, which erupted 4800. 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Their violent ways during the Gank take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat, a! Number of names to generate: 1: Quote the Gank into slaves or vassals a 3 spawn! Trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. no infringement intended — Kickstarter, while another pulled a vibroknife the! Years of the Galactic Republic included an entry on the Ganks instead decided to kill the officers.
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