Maximum Size : 2.1cm (0.83”) Water Parameters : Neutral to moderately … In addition to pellets or dry flakes, you can supplement their diets with live food or protein-rich snacks. Remember, these fish are small! This species shoals rather than schools, meaning they’ll just hang out near each other for the most part instead of swimming in a tight pack. Consequently, it cannot be kept with large or "bully" fish. The base coloration of these fish is deep blue. The pair then moves into the substrate and deposits the eggs. While males tend to be more vibrant than females, we recommend keeping more females in the tank. Their fins are primarily orange through red. If you’re someone who’s set on keeping a small and tidy aquarium, this fish might be for you! Celestial Pearl Danios are omnivores. In general shape, it resembles Danio erythromicron more than any other known species. These fish are quite small (they’re great nano fish) and very peaceful. Scientific Name: Devario aequipinnatus. In a small tank, a group of six individuals—half males, half females—will do well and exhibit natural behavior. Uncommon. [2] However, an inquest into the species by Myanmar officials discovered populations of the fish in at least "five locations around Hopong". When it comes to the substrate, you have a bit of variety. Celestial Pearl Danios live among dense vegetation in marsh areas fed by springs or in small ponds of cool high altitude wetland regions in South East Asia. Less than a year after the discovery of the celestial pearl danio, it was scientifically described and given the genus name Celestichthys. Galaxy Rasboras tend to stay towards the bottom half of the aquarium. Author Note: Just because these fish can be kept in smaller tanks, it doesn’t mean they won’t appreciate more room. [4] In 2008, a more comprehensive study[5] showed the celestial pearl danio was a member of the genus Danio, with Danio erythromicron and Danio choprae as its closest relatives. In the wild, these fish are found in shallow ponds that are rich with vegetation. Like we said earlier, try to get more females than males. Since its discovery in 2006 in a small, high altitude area of Myanmar, east of Lake Inndi, it has become an instant hit with tropical fish keeping enthusiasts throughout the world. This is a small, plump danionin with a markedly blunt snout, measuring just 2–2.5 cm standard length. Celestial Pearl Danio Tropical Fish Learn all about the Celestial Pearl Danio's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Giant Danio. There are a few things that can impact their lifespan. Minor changes in water quality can have a big effect on them. However, it’s very important that you keep an eye out so you know where they are. Many danionins prefer slightly acidic water, however, and maintaining the rather high pH found across the Inle basin seems a necessary condition to keep fish from there successfully. Back then, they were given the scientific name Celestichthys margaritatus. As a result, the wild population has since stabilized. You don’t want to overfeed them or pollute their tank with food they don’t consume (this is a quick way to ruin the water quality). Celestial Pearl Danios do best with fish of the same species. Thus, they were given the new scientific name of Danio margaritatus. was $4.55 Special Price $3.26 As low as $2.73. This disease is caused by a couple of things. Because they only reach about an inch in length, the minimum tank size for Celestial Pearl Danios is 10 gallons. Many aquarists recommend feeding your fish a good supply of live food to trigger the breeding process. Add to Cart. The Celestial Pearl Danio (CPD) aka Galaxy Rasbora is one of the most beautiful fish in the hobby. Even though they’re a popular nano aquarium choice, they’re more versatile than many people realize. $5.17 As low as $3.10. Water temperature in January was rather low (22–24 °C), but as the habitat is very shallow, it would heat up quickly during hot spells, thus D. margaritatus is probably tolerant of temperatures above the low 20s. Here are some great Celestial Pearl Danio tank makes to consider: Author Note: When considering tank mates of another species it’s important to see how much space they need. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about Celestial Pearl Danio care. When the fins become damaged, they’re at a higher risk of getting the disease. The Celestial pearl danio is a “recent discovery” in the freshwater tropical fish world. At some 8–10 weeks after hatching, they undergo metamorphosis to adult form, and the color pattern starts to appear from week 12 onwards. The body is sprinkled with small, pearly dots. Celestichthys: from the Latin caelestis, meaning ‘heavenly’, and ichthys, meaning ‘fish’. Luckily, scientists and aquarists haven’t found any new diseases that are exclusive to these fish. Small, swarming danionins which require similar water conditions would be a natural choice for company, as such more active species provide nice contrast behaviorally and, being available in a wide range of colors and patterns, also make it possible to choose fish that complement the brilliant colors of D. margaritatus. The fins take on a deep orange or red color. Europeans quite seldom vis… It makes viewing their beauty even more interesting because you really have to focus when looking at all the colors and patterns! Dark fine sand is a good choice due to its versatility. They were originally found occupying small ponds in Myanmar. [7] As the species seems adapted to living in and colonizing small, possibly ephemeral pools, it seemed not very well able to withstand prolonged and intense exploitation—if the stock in all pools at one location is entirely fished off, it is unclear in how far the fish would be able to recolonize them. Eventually, parts of the fin may even start to fall off. The Celestial Pearl danio grows to around 1 to 1.5 inches in length, having a plump body and a blunt nose. Celestial Pearl Danio Distribution and Native Habitat. It’s recommended that you choose a substrate that works with whatever plants you decide to include. Unfortunately, the demand for Celestichthys […] … Author Note: If you’re diligent about maintaining the water quality in the aquarium it will greatly reduce the chance of disease and illness. However, they’re not known to dig. Difficulty. Rocks and driftwood are good as well. $19.95 . Celestial Pearl Danio was first found in South East Asia (Myanmar) by the famous scientist of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Tyson R. Roberts. [7] Initially, only a small number of aquarists managed to breed the fish successfully, while nearly all the fish offered for sale were wild-caught. Further research moved it to the genus Danio. Freshwater pH. A dense tangle of natural plants for spawning has the additional advantage of harboring protists on which the fry feed initially. Celestial Pearl Danio Celestial Pearl Danio. Add to Cart. All fins, save the pectoral fins, show two parallel black lines with a bright red area in between; on the tail fin, this pattern is present twice (once on each lobe) and the outer black band is vestigial. However, remember to follow the basic rules of aquarium fish care. The tail end of their bodies (the caudal peduncle) is also higher than in females. They’re found in tanks…, The 15 Best Types Of Freshwater Aquarium Catfish, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates…, Indian Almond Leaves: Benefits For Your Aquarium, The 35 Best Low Light Aquarium Plants (Must-See), 35 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank (Updated List), Malaysian Trumpet Snail 101: Detailed Info & Care Tips. Now, the most widely used common name, the celestial pearl danio (or simply CPD), is based on its scientific name. [4], Within six months of its appearance in the aquarium trade, the species was falsely reported as having become so rare, collectors were obtaining only a "few dozen fish per day". Making sure their habitat has everything they need is the first step in ensuring a long and happy life for these fish. Author Note: The great thing about their small size is it makes the Galaxy Rasbora an excellent addition to nano tanks. ATTENTION: The cover picture of the Galaxy Rasbora is fully grown male during the mating display. You may also want to think about getting pellets that sink. Water weed and similar plants should be abundant, and stones and wood to create hiding spots should be provided. Celestial Pearls love these kinds of environments. This page was last edited on 11 December 2020, at 15:41. Just make sure that it’s high-quality and provides a balanced diet. A Penguin 200B in an aquarium with 20 to 30-gallons of water is just right for these fish. Quantity. They subsequently become lighter in color and start swimming freely and feeding on their own. The Celestial Pearl Danio is possibly THE nano fish due to its peaceful nature, small size, and remarkably beautiful coloration! These fish bring a unique type of beauty to any freshwater tank, and we’ve been fans of them for years. Min. The time between spawnings is unknown at present. Take this seriously, and you won’t have to deal with problems later. The white spotted bodies combined with their red or orange fins allow for the fish to stand out among its habitat.These fish are small fish, typically being at most 1 inch from head to tail.The most distinctive part on these fish is the coloration of the fins. Add to Cart. Add to Wish List. Most fish will get close to this size at about 3 months of age, which is when they reach sexual maturity. Getting accurate readings it the first step in being able to monitor your aquarium and make adjustments. This species shows some sexual dimorphism: males have a bright-blue background color (dull blue-green in females), and their fins are more brightly colored. The Celestial Pearl Danio (Danio margaritatus), also commonly referred to as the Galaxy Rasbora, is an extremely popular species of fish for the home nano-aquarium. A popular aquarium fish suitable for community tanks, it is a small peaceful shoaling species that reaches to a length of 5 cm and can be found in peat swamp forests and forest streams in Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra and southern Thailand. Plankton is also a favorite snack that they consume in the wild. They tend to be rather stationary, hovering in a peculiar position in favorite spots; males and females tend to keep separate when at rest. Rating: 93%. Discovered in 2006, the species quickly appeared in the aquarium trade, where its small size and bright colours made it an instant hit.[3]. With that said, it’s important to provide these fish with the right conditions. Overview: The Celestial Pearl Danio, Danio margaritatus - often referred to in the aquarium trade as Galaxy Rasbora or "Microrasbora sp. Just make sure to fill any inlet tubes with sponges. is a small cyprinid from Myanmar. These jewel-toned little fish are truly a sight to be seen. They tend to group up and spend their time exploring the tank. Adult Size: 4 inches (10 cm) Lifespan: … Jump to: navigation, search. These fish don’t tolerate pollutants very well, so strong filtration is a must. Strong pumps or air bladders are not necessary. The males will also spar quite often, so make sure you’ve got a few more females than ma… Author Note: As long as you follow the care recommendations in this guide you should be just fine. Altogether, their behavior again resembles Danio erythromicron more than other fish.[4]. They’re relatively hardy and can be cared for by anyone with some modest aquarium experience. Fin rot, in particular, is known to affect Celestial Pearl Danios. This quickly led to a rapid decline in the wild population and put the whole species in danger. All of the fins have two black lines running through them. Conversely, if only part of a local subpopulation is removed, pools from which all celestial pearl danios have been removed likely will be recolonized with a healthy population again after one year or so. Danio margaritatus. This can reduce the competition and keep fighting to a minimum. Add to Wish List. 5.7 - 7.5 Temp. The celestial pearl danio does well with other fish of the same species, so make sure you have around five or six, provided the size of the fish tank allows it. [12][13] Currently, the fish is captive-bred worldwide commercially and by hobbyists,[14] pushing the price down from its initial high of $20 or more per fish to around $4 each. Brine shrimp, krill, Grindal worms, and live Daphnia are all good choices. Its habitat is part of the Salween basin, namely the Nam Lang and Nam Pawn Rivers. They’re a ton of fun to observe and can be taken care of by owners with a variety of experience levels. Because they require a slightly higher oxygen level than other danios, good filtration is important. The second and third pictures of Galaxy Rasboras are from our rando These ponds in the regions at an elevation of about 3300 – 5000 ft (1000 – 1500meters). 24 -26 °C (75.2-78.8°F) Water Hardness . This means buying from reputable sellers or breeders and only purchasing fish you’re 100% sure you can take care of. … Diet, tank mates, breeding, and more! As in most water bodies in the Inle drainage, the water is slightly alkaline. The male has a small black pad at the edges of the lower jaw, which is absent or reduced in females. The government of Myanmar banned exports of the fish in February 2007. Back then, they were given the scientific name Celestichthys margaritatus. Celestial Pearl Danios are egg layers. The celestial pearl danio is prolific, spawning "almost every day", causing ponds that were thought to be empty to be fully restocked a few months later as fry hatched, grew, and reproduced quickly.[11]. This is because males will eat the eggs as soon as they find them! The water needs to be slightly alkaline, and the temperature shouldn't be to warm. The body is about three times as long as it is high. Breeding is a straightforward process. We recommend keeping 6 to 7 fish in the same tank. Celestial Pearl Danios (aka Galaxy Rasboras) are a beautiful freshwater species that we recommend all the time. Immature fish show some indication of a striped pattern, which eventually decomposes into the pearly dots. Its habitat is part of the Salween basin, namely the Nam Lang and Nam Pawn Rivers. You can find fish that occupy the higher parts of the tank so that your Galaxy Rasboras have their own space. [7], The spawning behavior has significant consequences for captive breeding (see below). 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