It is because of this that Brook’s loyalty to Luffy is extremely high and prefers to only take orders from him, as he initially declined Momonosuke's request to provide entertainment, stating he only takes orders from his captain. He told Capone Bege that he would never do anything to risk Luffy's dream and believed with absolute certainty he would become the Pirate King. Meaning: When he was told by Mr. 5 that his colleague had captured his swordsman, Luffy was not at all worried and warned him that Zoro would comfortably defeat them. Luffy values Vivi to such a degree that he was willing to help her fight Crocodile and save her kingdom, and got angry at the Shichibukai for the torment he had put Vivi and her kingdom through. Jinbe has a high amount of admiration for Luffy and will try to protect and save him whenever he can. English Name: He was impressed when he took a blade to the back of the head from Jango only to pull it out and remain mostly unfazed. He stuck to this promise and even declined Reiju's offer for food despite how badly his health had deteriorated. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since July 22, 1997, and has been collected into 96 tankōbon volumes. This interest in her captain has been prevalent since she first met him and whilst talking to Gan Fall on Skypiea she acknowledged his comment on Luffy's strange aurora that reminds him of Gol D. Roger, telling him that Luffy is a very interesting person. With his diverse crew joining him along the way, consisting of a swordsman, marksman, navigator, cook, doctor, archaeologist, and cyborg-shipwright, this will be one memorable adventure. Luffy has sometimes contemplated eating Chopper whenever he has gotten extremely hungry such as on their way to Totto Land. Luffy on the Going Marry | One Piece. The two get on extremely well with each other. Gum-Gum Fruit It might even act as a shackle to the man who wants to travel the seas as a free man. Out of all his crew members, Robin is the one he shares a complete wholesome relationship with as the two get on extremely well and have yet to be seen arguing. But, since I'm not interested in relationships, I'm not exactly going to spend much time caring, beyond my fan-fiction, where they married and had a kid. [242] At the end of the Enies Lobby Arc he was expecting to be welcomed back into the crew with open arms but panicked when he saw they were sailing away. Nefertari Vivi is a princess of the Alabasta Kingdom and a former member of the Straw Hat Pirates. [254] He also seems to view Usopp's habit of lying as an admirable skill, remarking to Arlong that, alongside not being able to use swords, navigate or cook, he is also not capable of lying as Usopp can. [46][47] After Sanji had been taken by the emperor, Big Mom, he infiltrated her territory, sabotaged the wedding, fought Charlotte Cracker and Charlotte Katakuri for eleven and ten hours respectively,[48][49][50] and remained defiant even as Sanji brutally attacked him just so he could get him to return. [145] Notably, Luffy holds a grudge on Nami's behalf for all the suffering she went through as he initially refused to save Hatchan because he is a former member of the Arlong Pirates,[194] however, he agreed to save him after Nami wished for him to do so. [161] Robin is also the only member of the crew to have worn Luffy's straw hat without his permission when she took it off him when they first met, which irritated Luffy.[296]. You must be logged in to post a comment. What feat does Luffy scale above to put him at that lvl? The two have fought alongside each other when they tried to escape Impel Down and proved to be a devastating force. Luffy is not afraid to criticize her outlook on the world as he got into an argument with her that ended in a fistfight as he tried to get her to understand that she cannot carry the burden of saving her kingdom on her own, and to let him and his crew aid her in defeating Crocodile as that was the best way to save her kingdom. [38] He also has the tendency to recruit people he just met, such as Brook,[39] and again with numerous zombies he found interesting whilst on Thriller Bark. His former teacher, Dr. Hiriluk, first introduced him to what a pirate is, with Hiriluk leaving a strong, positive, impression on Chopper on the ideal pirate, and has come to see Luffy as the personification of the pirate Dr. Hiriluk was talking about. Rubber Whilst fighting Big Mom he praised his captain highly to her, informing the emperor that there isn’t a wall that Luffy cannot break through in the pursuit of his ambitions. He was impressed, but also not surprised, at Luffy being able to use Haoshoku Haki, remarking that he suspected he was capable of such a thing. However, he also thinks of her as naive and is reluctant to continue helping her at one point until she understood his reasoning. This is one piece this is not naruto. Vivi and Karoo bid the Straw Hat Pirates farewell. This led him to take all of Luffy's pain that he had accumulated from his fight with Gecko Moria, on top of his own, that left him in a coma for three days. Chopper has become a faithful admirer of Luffy and is constantly astounded by his impressive feats, especially when he goes beyond his human limitations, however, the excessiveness of how far Luffy pushes himself can irritate Chopper as a doctor. Luffy is dominantly responsible for changing Nami's views on pirates. [259] After the time-skip Luffy was excited to eat more of Sanji's food, having gone two years without any, but had to settle for the food Boa Hancock gave him as Sanji was unconscious. Although this has led the two to get into heated arguments, and at one point, a brief fight, but this was quickly resolved. [91] He regularly enforces Luffy's rights as captain and reminds his fellow crewmates that a captain’s words are absolute. [319], Robin often takes on some of Luffy's habits such as repeating nicknames he has assigned to people, an example of this is seen when Robin referred to Bartolomeo as "Birdy-kun" whilst on Dressrosa after Luffy had referred to him as "Parrot Hair". [84] Zoro's extreme affinity for honor meant he followed through on his deal with Luffy after he had been saved by him, but warned his new captain that he would cut him down if he got in the way of his dream to become the World’s Strongest Swordsman. ". She is also one of the few people Luffy entrusts his treasure, the “Straw Hat” to. Nonetheless, he cares a lot for her and was filled with disappointment when she did not join his crew. Luffy and his crew also met Laboon when they first entered the Grand Line and Luffy happily informed him of the whale's well-being. Nami, who was originally part of the Arlong Pirates, is the second person to join Luffy's crew. However, despite all these moments, the chances are that Luffy sees Nami as his Nakama and nothing more. Mayumi Tanaka has voiced Luffy since day … [55] During his encounter with the Admiral, Aokiji, he became furious when he threatened to take Robin away. This act caused Nami to tear up and thank Luffy as he was freeing her from the mental and physical prison she was trapped in. Whenever food goes missing his first suspect is always Luffy. Before leaving, he and his crew reassured her that they see her as a full-fledged member of the Straw Hats by displaying the cross Vivi had marked on all of them as they sailed away, leaving her in tears of joy. Brook cried in relief at this news and revealed his wanted poster to pledge his loyalty to Luffy. Although admitting that he is high-maintenance, she tells Haredas that she wants to help him as much as possible after she reflects on what he has done for her and acknowledges that she owes him so much. [107] He even carried the cage Luffy was locked inside despite being grievously wounded. [114] When on Thriller Bark, he emphatically stated to Kuma that Luffy would become the Pirate King. Anime post-timeskip Part of Luffy's ability to succeed is him being able to have absolute faith in his crew members' abilities in any situation they find themselves in. However, Nami betrayed Luffy and the crew during the Baratie Arc, stealing their ship with all their treasure on board, and returned to Arlong. Chapter 1 "Luffy will marry with me." He has become extremely grateful for the family Luffy has given him and the confidence to interact with people again. She was the one to save Luffy after his fight against Rob Lucci by using her Devil Fruit abilities to carry him onto the Going Merry. [18] Zoro tends to take on the second strongest person of any group they face, with Luffy facing the strongest opponent, this has included Cabaji, Hatchan, Mr. 1, Ohm, Kaku, Ryuma, Hyouzou, and Pica. She is the archaeologist of the Straw Hats and deciphers the Poneglyphs for them. The relationship between them is one of mutual respect and friendship. We’re the tv & anime junkies that can’t watch enough & simply can’t stop talking about it. F[8] Luffy’s mom. He was amazed by his strength and determination to save his crew and wished to aid him directly in his fight with Rob Lucci, but agreed to try and save Robin for him instead. Occupations: While Luffy has rejected her proposal, chances are that they might get together once he fulfills his goal, just like the previous Pirate King. Status: Unlike the rest of the crew, he was immediately friendly with Brook and enjoys his company immensely. He was furious when Crocodile taunted Vivi after they were captured by him. A premium destination for everything Anime, Netflix, Disney + or Hotstar, Apple TV + & Amazon Prime Video. Usopp getting angry with Luffy for his decision regarding the Going Merry. Although she is tolerant of Luffy's attitude to most things, she does try to counsel him on what it means to lead people, such as when they arrived on Drum Island and she explained to him that he could not convince the local residents to help him by beating them up, despite having shot at her. After he had discovered that Sanji had been taken away to Big Mom's territory his determination for Sanji was put on full display. [312] Due to being very accepting of Luffy's decisions, she rarely offers up advice but has occasionally done so, such as when, after Luffy had formed an alliance with Trafalgar Law, she warned him that, although she is happy to go along with him, alliances are often marred by betrayals and that he should be certain he can trust Law. [41], Luffy's determination for his crew has been put on full display numerous times. 5 Chapter 41 and Episode 17, Banchina states that she does not regret marrying Yasopp. He boarded Brook’s ship and, after finding him hilarious, he immediately asked him to join his crew, much to the chagrin of his crew mates. [47] When on Sabaody, Luffy tried to reach out and save Robin from Bartholomew Kuma but failed to do so, with her being the final crew member he lost to the Shichibukai before being sent away himself. When Sanji was given his raid suit by his brother, both Chopper and Luffy fantasied about trying it on and desperately wanted Sanji to use it for their own entertainment. [131] On Water 7 she also negotiated the money that Luffy and their crew earned from the treasure they had stolen from Skypiea that eventually allowed them to pay for a new ship. She and Luffy share one of the closest relationships among the Straw Hats and have a mutual reliance on each other, with Luffy relying on Nami as his navigator and for day-to-day tasks whilst Nami relies on Luffy as a pillar of strength during dangerous and frantic times. The chances of Luffy and Vivi ending up together are close to none. He trained with his new friend, Heracles, and made one of the most notable improvements among the Straw Hats. We are building a home for nerds, geeks and anyone sitting at home with super powers that is likely to rule the world with the lot of us. Top Weekly Stories So That You Are Up-To-Date. Luffy sees Vivi as an extremely kind person and someone he wishes to help. She sometimes copies Luffy's antics, such as when he grabbed Usopp by his nose and she started to do the same. [117] He has shown to have complete faith in his captain such as when, after Luffy stayed behind to fight Crocodile, he ordered Chopper to keep the crab they were riding on moving and reassured a worried Vivi that Luffy will be fine.[118]. Mayumi Tanaka, Urara Takano (OVA) Age: Oda is too smart not dumb He got off to a chaotic start with him as he is an extremely timid person and was thrown off by Luffy's eccentric and bubbly personality. He is very laid back with his captain and finds him funny and endearing. Luffy has made such a profound impact on him that he has mostly shed his cowardly personality, although some of it still remains, having become more comfortable and adept at fighting and adventuring. He was chased by Luffy when he was hungry as he was tempted to eat Chopper, but in reality he wanted to ask him to join his crew. Robin feeds Luffy some of her food whilst riding through Punk Hazard. Funi English VA: [90] Due to his belief that he must follow a captain's order without question he can often be frustrated by Luffy's mellowed personality and lack of initiative when it comes to leadership duties, and at one point threatened to leave if Luffy accepted Usopp back into the crew with open arms so readily. He has pestered most of his crew members to join, such as Zoro,[28] Nami,[29][30] Sanji,[31][32] Chopper,[33] Franky[34] and Brook,[35] with Usopp[36] and Robin[37] joining of their own accord. Therefore, when Usopp attempted to rejoin Luffy, the latter pretended that he could not hear him until the sniper gave a heartfelt apology. He was still refusing to join Luffy's crew, however, despite desperately wanting to do so. Luffy likes Brook a lot and respects him as a swordsman of the Straw Hats. [157] Her inspiration was such that she was willing to aid him in this endeavor whilst entrusting her life to him. Chuck Powers He tends to get frustrated by Luffy's eating habits and has to set up numerous safeguards to stop him from emptying the fridge during the night. He also holds the special accolade of being the only member of the Straw Hats, besides Luffy himself, to have fought a emperor in one-on-one combat. His dream of becoming a Pirate King triumphs all. [273] On top of being the cook he is one of Luffy's most capable combatants and is easily in the top four strongest members of the Straw Hats having earned the third-highest bounty within the crew, standing at 330,000,000. Jinbe convinced Luffy to let him out as he wished to aid him in saving Ace as he considered him a good friend. Luffy is going to marry? In the case of Sanji, she was much more distressed and angry at the beating Luffy was getting, as he refused to fight back, and furiously slapped Sanji in retaliation. [154][155] And when Luffy defeated an even stronger Sweet Commander, Charlotte Katakuri, she was both relieved that he was safe and stunned at his victory. [52][238][239] Luffy himself was left in tears about having to fight his best-friend and despised every moment of it. As the main protagonist of the One Piece, he is meant to do great, overcome obstacles and grow exponentially each time. The Straw Hats spotted him and immediately became frightened, apart from Luffy who was bemused and intrigued. Then Luffy pwned him. Such was Luffy's desire for Sanji to return he was more than willing to allow his bride to join the crew so long as Sanji came back with her, but was disappointed to find out that the marriage would mean Sanji joins the Big Mom Pirates. He is one of Luffy's most powerful crew members and is in the top four strongest fighters, having the second-highest bounty in the crew at 438,000,000. Brook accepted and went to their ship and explained his past, and current, situation. [4][18] This reputation and notoriety have strengthened their bond with their captain as they feel they could not be anywhere else but on their ship alongside him. However, they can differ when deciding what routes to take, as Nami prioritises safety and Luffy desires danger as its more fun and adventurous. [222] They are both extremely prone to being amazed by pretty much anything, such as ninjas,[262] Franky's robotic inventions[252][263] and Bon Clay's Devil Fruit abilities. [60], Luffy has absolute loyalty and faith in Nami and has never doubted her. Although Luffy can be said as the luckiest guy in the One Piece universe because the most beautiful woman in the ocean, Boa Hancock only loves him. [94] She also has a fundamental understanding of how Luffy's mind works and has come to be one of the very few people who is capable of helping Luffy understand information or scenarios that are originally too complex for him. Firstly, it’s obvious that he wants to create painful backstories ab… Nami is the only person Luffy consistently surrenders all of his authority to when it comes to sailing the ship. [69] He praised Luffy highly to his crew in the immediate aftermath of Pedro's death, recognizing his qualities as captain for not getting caught up in his emotions and instead took Katakuri away to the Mirro-World so his crew could set sail. [168] Notably, Nami was the only one worried for Luffy when he returned to the Merry unconscious after he, Zoro and Sanji went underwater to look for treasure. [42] He carried a sick Nami on his back and an injured Sanji up a 5,000-meter mountain in order to get them medical attention during a blizzard, which was made even more grueling due to rubber's reaction to the cold. After their fight he even promised Sanji that he would not move from where he was standing and would not eat any food unless it was made by him. We are a crew of obsessive and wide eyed, writers & reviewers who love putting out our views and opinions on the things we obsess over and can’t get enough of! The two get on extremely well due to their similar upbeat and eccentric personalities. [36], Since then, he has been a faithful member of Luffy's crew and does his best to contribute wherever he can. [54] He was extremely angry when he saw Robin and Zoro had been defeated by Enel whilst Nami had been taken captive by him and vowed to defeat the supposed god. He still respects his authority, though, and asked for his permission to aid the dwarfs whilst on Dressrosa and was overjoyed to hear Luffy approve his request. It also appears that Luffy holds the most trust in her out of all the crew members as she is the only person he consistently surrenders all of his authority to when it comes to sailing the ship and follows her orders to the letter. [139] Since the time skip Nami has become less strict with Luffy. [43] When Nico Robin was taken by CP9 to Enies Lobby he stormed the facility,[44] fighting through thousands of Marines[45] and defeated two members of CP9, including their strongest fighter, Rob Lucci, to get her back. Alias: Jinbe is a former ally of the Big Mom Pirates, the former captain of the Sun Pirates, and a former Shichibukai, who is the ninth person to join the Straw Hats and is their helmsman. When he announced his decision to leave the Big Mom Pirates he had no fear of the emperor's wrath, rendering her Devil Fruit powers useless, and proudly stated to her that he has no fear because he is joining the crew of the next Pirate King. Whereas before she would try and keep Luffy under control to avoid him causing chaos, which normally ended in failure, she now accepts whatever chaos Luffy brings with him. Luffy, seeing this act, was impressed and was insistent he join his crew but he refused. [120] However, after seeing his interaction with the dog, Chouchou,[121] working alongside him to defeat Buggy,[122] and realizing he is not as bad as she originally thought, she decided to cooperate with him as a means to an end,[30][123][124] but eventually joined his crew after getting closer to him and seeing his kindheartedness first hand. Romanized Name: [128] Since then she has been a mainstay of the crew and has developed a fierce loyalty to Luffy, feeling indebted to him for everything he has done for her. [222] After Luffy's victory over Kuro,[223] who plotted to kill his friend, Kaya,[224] Usopp became inspired to go out to sea and start his own pirate journey. The two are often seen arguing due to Nami getting frustrated by Luffy's antics and stupidity and Luffy being annoyed at Nami for being … Robin is very grateful to Luffy for having saved her life twice. Introduction • Gallery • Personality • Relationships • Abilities and Powers • History • Misc. xxx. [245] On Dressrosa, he became so worried about the thought of losing his memories of Luffy, due to Sugar's Devil Fruit abilities, that he awakened his Kenbunshoku Haki in order to accurately launch his attack to stop her turning Luffy into a toy. So for now, no romance. However, he also thinks of her as naive and was reluctant to continue helping her at one point until she understood his reasoning. The two first met on Water 7 and got off to a bad start when Franky and his family assaulted and robbed Usopp. [145] This contrasted sharply to when she informed Chopper of the same thing earlier and instead expressed her happiness that Robin did not want to leave them after all. Even though she is often amazed by his stupidity, laid back attitude, and recklessness, she completely trusts him and finds it incredible just how strong he is. [62] During Luffy's fight with Rob Lucci, he gave an emotional speech to his captain, reprimanding him for losing and even threatened the CP9 agent himself as a way to spur his captain to get back on his feet. She tends to smile, and sometimes laugh, at Luffy's antics, which was first seen back on Arabasta when Luffy decided to drink a full barrel of water in order to take on Crocodile, causing her to chuckle at his bizarre improvisation. Luffy impressed by Franky's upgraded physique. For One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "How does Luffy rank among the top tiers? [24] Following the time-skip, when his crew was concerned about his plan to team up with Trafalgar Law to take on the emperor, Kaido, he openly stated that he is not concerned if Law ends up betraying him as he has faith in all his crew members to back him up since they have gotten much stronger, which caused Nami, Usopp, Franky and Chopper to comically blush.[25]. Luffy begins his training with Rayleigh in One Piece episode 516 titled "Luffy's Training Commences -- 2 Years From Now at the Promised Place" She is often worried about Luffy because of how far he pushes himself and felt the need to watch over him from time to time. Luffy then reminded Jinbe that he is his captain now, and ordered him to not die and reunite with him in Wano. This has been seen when she stopped Luffy fighting with Zoro on Whisky Peak,[137] and when the crew landed in Mock Town Nami made him promise her not to fight anyone. Whilst blushing, she noted that the idea of doing such a thing has never occurred to her before. [179] He also trusts her enough to let her be in charge of the finances of the crew.[180]. Currently working towards obtaining a degree in English literature. Devil Fruit In this anime, the One Piece Highest bounty is what decides who is the greatest pirate. He has complete faith in his skills as the shipwright and as a fighter. She became so close to Luffy and the others that she was almost willing to abandon her life as a princess and continue sailing with them but chose not to do so in the end. [174][175] Luffy was determined to have Nami back in his crew and completely disregarded her request to leave her village, despite angering her,[176] and chose not to listen to Nojiko tell the story of Nami's past as nothing she could tell him would change his mind. [298] When Luffy woke up, he chose to save her from the collapsing underground grave despite her protests. After Luffy had carried Nami and Sanji to the top of the mountain where Chopper resides with Dr. Kureha, he found the trio and nursed them all back to health, having been amazed by Luffy's effort for his friends. He is the fifth member to join the Straw Hats, the first Devil Fruit user, and is the crew’s doctor. Anyway, none, because Luffy just isn't interested. Due to this, the chances are high that One Piece might follow after Dragon Ball by having its main character marry a warrior princess of a strange land such as Boa Hancock. To Nami, Luffy is the person she can turn to and rely on when emotionally distressed or feeling frightened. He burdens himself with the responsibility of protecting every single member of his crew if the situation calls for it and although this has dominantly worked out in his favor it eventually led to him losing every single one of them whilst on Sabaody Archipelago when Bartholomew Kuma used his Devil Fruit abilities to scatter them across the seas. [177] Even though Nami has no talent for fighting he does not hesitate to have her by his side in battle, such as when they worked together to defeat Buggy[122] and again to defeat the Sweet Commander, Cracker. He even refused to set sail without Nami. [54] Despite this she still has arguments with him, which has become a staple of their friendship and are usually started by Nami herself. He is grateful to Luffy, not just for accepting him for who he is, but for also being interested in him and his abilities. [112] Zoro implied during the Long Ring Long Land Arc that Luffy is the sole reason for him being a pirate and stated he'd have no reason to continue being one if he could not have him as his captain. Japanese Name: 4Kids English VA: [56][251] After the time-skip, he has gained a lot more confidence in Usopp's abilities and stopped Trafalgar Law from going after Caesar Clown because he knew Usopp could comfortably capture him. Pirate Ganzack, https: // oldid=1768633 get you Down `` one Piece Luffy... Few people Luffy entrusts his treasure, the “ Straw Hat crew and of Luffy 's lead negotiators counsels... The stupidity, which helps them get along extremely well as oppose Luffy! 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who does luffy marry in one piece
who does luffy marry in one piece 2021