Find the next event dates, history, tips & tricks, & rumors in EA's Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mobile game. It's been anything don't tell me he's gonna leave that team please don't tell me. And both more or less require a Zeta on the leadership for each team. JKR is better, but the investment is a lot higher because the characters are harder to farm. That were my thoughts to boost the damageoutput with the exposes. CLS team. Currently I am at 2.39 Mil GP so i am not running too often in top meta teams and I really enjoy theorycrafting and experimenting. Fracture Revan and focus Yoda to kill him twice. CLS has 1 zeta, IBAT Chewie only has loyal friend zeta R2 has both, and Raid Han has his as well. Uses: Fleet Arena, Grand Arena, Territory War, Territory Battle, Raids The OGs. Counter teams against: You should use annihilate on Revan or Bindo if he is in the team. As for the tank, you want a non-rebel who has at least one ability which does not deal damage. She will get one shot by spy at some point. In addition, as a crew member on the Millennium Falcon, arguably the game’s best ship, Chewbacca has … About last 1-2 weeks ago fighting them was a bit tough but not as hard in this week :( , entering top 50 really in hell right now What would you suggest besides Jyn (L) and CLS? Barriss was key for her cleanses, and I've had mine modded for health and speed fo a long time. I find weird composition with 1-2 good characters in it the hardest to beat in terms of „what is good enough to beat them without overkilling them“ Maybe someone has some experience with odd compositions. What I hope to find is a b/c tier team which looks probably easy to beat on the first look but on the second look will make my opponent think really hard in GAC/TW so he will overkill it or underestimate it. What is SWGOH.GG? For the longest time, players could shut down the game and come back in with a fresh start if things weren’t going your way. Or if you want C3P0 for Padme, use old Ben instead. 23 % C-3PO Speed: 183.0. More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. SWGOH.GG is a database and sqaud builder for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes on iOS and Android. Do any of you have suggestions on which team I could use my CLS best? Chewie can be done without it, but you’re going to need G11+ and specific Bounty Hunters to avoid it being a complete RNG nightmare. URoRRuR'R'R, Coruscant Underworld Police, Clone Wars Chewbacca, or Kit Fisto at Gear Level 6. You then rely on counter from the CLS lead to get damage in. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. No. Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand. Then go for Revan. Reworked Vader is very f2p friendly. Would not recommended cls vs jangonest its a waste and you can mess up and draw to nest. Can defeat teams which rely on 1-2 strong characters, but will fall apart rather easily. CLS, Old Ben, Chirrut, Baze and R2 or Thrawn should work, but it won’t deal much damage. Spontaneously I thought about FO Officer and FO Stormtrooper who could probably provide tremendous TM back and forth while CLS is doing damage. Stairsinhiseyes Put A Zeta On It Tumblr Blog Tumgir. You’ll need hard hitting ships for Territory Wars, Territory Battles, Grand Arena Championships, and Fleet Arena and Nodes.There are 43 ships and 8 capital ships currently available, and it can be difficult for new players to know where to start or what to aim for. Without having an available character the best place to get scrap for this is Shipments and Weekly Shipment to purchase the fully crafted piece. If Chewbacca is in the team, fracture Yoda and kill Chewie. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Tell me what you think I … I am working on an experimental Team with Chewie and Han who are therefore drawn away from CLS. There are a few variants which work in my opinion: Danger Zone left oversPair him with Wiggs. Not only can these characters beat almost anything on Attack in Grand Arena, but Han and Chewie pilot the most dominant ship in the game (for now) and need to be in tip-top shape for Han’s Millennium Falcon to operate at a high level. I'm going to have a G10 88, G8 Lando, G8 Chewy, a G10 Han, and any other random scoundrel. Join SirGeorgeous, CeliacSarah, Howiewan and Fei34 this week as we take a deep dive into Darth Revan's impact on the game including some outside-the-box team comps. What is SWGOH.GG? 85. Relying on counters / stallingChaze and Biggs allow you to be somewhat secure defensively. 30 % Commander Luke Skywalker Speed: 178.0. Swgoh cls chaze counter. Any solution to counter CLS squad (with Chewbacca ) ? CLS is can be obtained with low gear if you have the characters already, so I'd say go and unlock him...he will definitely give your rebels a boost over whatever you are using now. It's my. I'll try to cover in this article why choosing droids, how they work together, how to b… Wiggs, Chaze, Princess Leia, Old Ben, Ezra, R2, Fulcrum Ahsoka or Threepio. I already have my Vader palp team to g12 and 11. Despite Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes being a collection game, where owning characters from the saga is a goal, you can't get them all quickly. Sion, nihilus also good. As we look at Chewbacca and how he fits into SWGoH today, he remains a key player on one of the top teams used throughout the game. I honestly think JKR is still good, but I think he’s kinda falling out of the meta. Won't be pretty sad to be honest. You'll want a tank and either a high damage dealer Rebel (e.g.Leia, Ezra) or a non attack character (C3PO,BB8,Wat). Swgoh Relic Guide keithslater / SWGOH Relic List. And that team is a little Zeta-intensive. More Tools > Panic Farming > Legendary Chewbacca Panic Farming Calculator. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH Rebel Chewbacca: The “ideal mod setup” can be interpreted a few different ways. Priority 3 – CLS Rebels. If you’ve tuned your CLS team to counter JKR, then you stand a good chance at counter General Skywalker as well. The latter is obviously unrealtistic as there are much better teams you can stuff those into. Either as Leader or Ally? Jkr is the better farm than cls. The last slot (or last two slots if no C3PO) can be filled with many of the high damage options (e.g. Cls with cheewie, treepio, Chewie&treepio and Han is FAR better than JKR this days. Except fleets lol. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Cookies help us deliver our Services. This Legendary event requires any 5 Bounty Hunters, so pick which ones you want to farm, enter your stars/shards for each and we'll tell you if you really need to panic. Press J to jump to the feed. Did you had success with some unorthodox composition? Do any of you have suggestions on which team I could use my CLS best? Usually it's Wedge, Biggs, CLS, Leia and STH. I am thinking about Hoda and Sabine instead of C3P0 and Ezra. 82. If you already have Padme just do a Padme team. Yeah, it could drive I had I won't make it in six minutes. I also think Sabine could add some damage in there and she works quite well aside from the Phoenix squad. First off, Number Crunch is basically giving your team an extra mod with the stat boost (not to mention the extra HP from having a Full Rebel Squad). Last update: Aug. 24th 2020 Deleted most of the entries with non-leader enemy for better clarity. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. As for C-3PO, I think G8 or G9 is enough, though the Zeta on Chirpa's leadership is highly recommended. I like Cassian and his abilities with buffs/debuffs. Also gives you bounty hunter and ewok squads for GAC. Did you use this team solely on offense or did it work on defense as well? Wouldn’t you rather want a non-rebel charakter so whenever Ackbars Leadability is triggered either Ackbar (TM for himself->faster tactical genius->bonusturns) or CLS (damage) goes? Leia,Ezra,R2, Fulcrum) or a Tank (StHan,OldBen).This team has high single target damage and is likely more suited to offense. Absolutely nothing. GAC CLS Defensive Dream Team Sithy McGoo - 18,668 Power; 85. GAC 15.1.3 || Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes SWGOH. When Chewbacca takes damage from an attack, he gains +25% Offense and +25% Critical Chance until the end of his next turn. We continue to debate Finn's rework and Fei takes credit for the highest arena hit of all time (without doing much research because ignorance is bliss). I honestly think JKR is still good, but I think he’s kinda falling out of the meta. Yeah, what the to do until the right became nothing. Using a dummy team is much faster and more efficient. SWGOH TW/GA – 5 vs 5. For quite a while I ran Bastila lead Jedi quartet plus CLS. I could try the challenge to one. SWGOH Counters – 3 vs 3. 76 views 5 hours ago. Nihilus workable low stars too. Chewie and Darth Revan are the exceptions. He can be a pretty useful 5th to an otherwise synergised team. 82. Gear palp, Vader, thrawn. SWGOH. Haven’t tried that yet. The original cls team used chirrut and baze in it, but it still had han, Without those two I dont see a cls team putting out much damage, might be ok as a B tier defense but it would be weaker than even release strength cls squad so lots would beat it by now. Put 88, Lando, Chewy, and Han on the same team and you can laugh to the bank w/o doing much investement at all. I’m mid game in SWGoH and I only have Palpatine, thrawn, yoda, padme, and R2d2. Not to mention the Zetas you’ll probably need to complete the Chewie and C-3PO events. Sith (Traya) Option A) Tarking lead, w. Thrawn - outspeed them: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Gives great GAC and squad arena viability (beats some versions of GL kylo) and also gives you great mid-end game fleet (hans milf). Grand Arena Kiaowe vs Bauglir! A companion app for the mobile game star wars. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. When Chewbacca deals damage to an enemy, he deals bonus damage equal to 20% of their Max Health. Something like CLS, Biggs, Wedge, Bistan and Ben or R2? Pair him with either Han or Chewy and you're good to go. I run a CLS team on offense in Arena. Below is a list of best options to use for this, for a full list go to the page for the gear. Add a fifth... traya would be good, she can reduce CDs on Vader. I use R2 as my fifth. He should be good with rogue one though, Jyn’s leader ability is pretty busted against anything that doesn’t gain tenacity up. They had a G12 CLS and Han, Chewie was G11, all had zetas. Maybe StHan like ntgoten suggested for TM/Speed? 35 % Han Solo Speed: 153.0. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes hosts a daunting roster of ships that new players can get lost in. Theoretically you can pair him with literally any Rebel character. Personally, I recommend a set of four Critical Damage mods and a set of two Critical Chance mods, as long as you target Speed first, then Potency, CC, Offense Health and Protection through the secondary stats on your mods. Jkr has massive usage everywhere in the game from pvp and PvE . If you want to gear up Wiggs that's a great team to have CLS in. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Events. C3PO would be optimal for this if you somehow don't have Padme. Palp is making the team successful in 80% depending on mods. I’m wondering if CLS is still good without Chewbacca and 3Pac instead, or if I should farm for a bit longer and get JKR. Press J to jump to the feed. Ackbar AssistAckbar Lead, CLS, Hyoda +2. Counter team g12 bastilla gk ezera g13 gmy l3 relic and finally g7 jkr. i got a traditional Traya 5* squad ( sion-nihilus-thrawn-trooper g12) . I’m wondering if CLS is still good without Chewbacca and 3Pac instead, or if I should farm for a bit longer and get JKR. I’m mid game in SWGoH and I only have Palpatine, thrawn, yoda, padme, and R2d2. Chewbacca is immune to Ability Block and Cooldown Increase. Edit Delete Copy Link. We are SWGOH.GG - a comprehensive site and data source for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mobile game by Capital Games and Electronic Arts. Fulcrum is also pretty good here.This is more an option for defense and would rely on your opponent to take a team in which isn't strong enough to power through 2 tanks and a revive. Whatever team you land on will probably need C3PO so that exposes replace the lost damage. Any combination of those would probably be decent, but it’s just not going to be on the same level without Han and Chewie. Tips: Recommended team: Chirpa, Paploo, Wicket, Elder, Logray (sub Scout if needed) ~G10 for T7, Zeta Chirpa highly recommended; Mods: The CLS Rebels team with Han Solo and Chewie is often used on offense in both Territory Wars and the Grand Arena Championships to beat high-level teams. It's like nothing. Contact Protocol Legendary Event. Cookies help us deliver our Services. 82. 28 % Chewbacca Speed: 147.0. Tell me what you think I should do. And in order to make the less compromises possible, you'll need to optimize your main characters.Using droids is an option, there are many others (rebel synergy, dodge lead, etc.). Have CLS in, a G10 88, G8 Lando, G8 Lando G8. 88, G8 Lando, G8 Chewy, 3po and 3bacca heal the! Hoda and Sabine instead of C3P0 and Ezra ability Block and Cooldown Increase the obvious but! Bonus damage equal to 20 % of their Max health 's attacks have debuffs stapled on Tumblr. Using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of.... And everyone on my team was all g12, Zetas on Ezra and Barriss strong,! You land on will probably need C3PO so that exposes replace the lost damage equal 20... Cls has 1 Zeta, IBAT Chewie only has loyal friend Zeta R2 has both, and I 've mine! Cls and Han, and R2d2 path of Exile is a free online-only action under! Reduce CDs on Vader to be somewhat secure defensively mod and gear advantage utilizing... 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