Shuma-Gorath appears as a playable character in the fighting game Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes, voiced again by Frank Perry. Entra a otras dimensiones para conocer a Shuma Gorath, una entidad omnisciente que espera poder controlarlo todo. They are both at full power which means Galactus is fully fed and Shuma also. Hell, those could be empty universes, or dead, since Shuma drains energy. Yeah, gnats is somewhat of a better comparison. A galaxy can contain countless star systems. Shuma-Gorath absorbs every ounce of the Power Cosmics. Eventually, the power of Crom imprisoned him within a mountain. Más personajes para Marvel Vs Capcom 3, aunque esta vez no se trata de luchadores pertenecientes al plantel principal, el cual ya se cerró el otro día con las incorporaciones de Hsien-ko y Centinela. ( not kill him ) ", "The Battle between Strange/Arioch and Shuma-Gorath threatened all of reality and nearly destroyed all the nether-realms in existence. Shuma a boss, Do you think a guy who poses like this is gonna lose? Being popular doesn't determine character power status. Galactus > Shuma-Gorath Anyways, Shuma-Gorath does win this match I'd say that in Shuma's home dimension Shuma-Gorath > Galactus But anywhere else Galactus would win. I blame the Marvel vs Capcom games... CortSether. If he conquered those universes, then he definitely drained everything from them. ", " Galactus stomps Gorath, whether this is within Gorath' realm or outside of it. If Galactus will be in full power than he can win. It's already been established that Galactus can bust a galaxy, or even more than one, but the Dr. Or maybe gnats. He reverted time and space to its point prior to the Big Bang. Sise-Neg erased the Marvel Universe in its entirety by reversing its temporal stream to where before time even existed. This has been done a few times, Shuma wins. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. [citation needed] Shuma-Gorath appears as a playable character via downloadable content in the fighting games Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, voiced by Paul Dobson. Team Emperor Joker vs … Welcome to Comic Basics, where we try to teach you everything we know about comics in three minutes or less. Jul 24, 2012 #32 There was an episode in the old Silver Surfer animated tv show where Shuma infects and almost kills Galactus … That was in the 1960s, probably before Shuma-Gorath was even introduced to the Marvel universe or even a lot of other characters more powerful than Galactus were introduced. Shuma Gorath WWK any reason why? So, Shuma-Gorath at full power basically figures Dormammu and Mephisto to be amusing children. Originally posted by abhilegend Imperiex easily. Depends how fed Galactus and Shuma are. at full power Galactus should take both encounters unless in the realm of Shuma the big eye-ball has prep & allies. Yet even HE had to commit suicide to truly defeat Shuma-Gorath. Shuma Gorath vs Starro The Star Conqueror. Spectre vs. Shuma Gorath vs. Imperiex vs. Galactus. Galactus in a weakened state destroyed three star systems in Annihilation, not a galaxy. People use it as a way to say galactus at his best. Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links. Galactus does have a bigger fan base because he's mainstream. Shuma-Gorath is omnipotent in his own realm, so saying that Galactus even has the slightest chance there is just ridiculous. Imperiex is easily high abstract level. Depends on a number of circumstances. why in the world are people still bumping this thread!? I'd say that Shuma Gorath is above Vanilla Galactus, because Ol' Galan generally keeps himself on the edge of starvation. Shuma should have been the last boss for both those games. And ruling over hundreds of universe is so impressive because ? Because he absorbed the "magic" and there is more to the universe/multiverse/megaverse of Marvel than just "magic". I don't know for sure but I think Shuma-Gorath was introduced in the early 1970s. If Galactus has the UN, then Shuma has no chance in hell. I haveto agreewith thishere, besides has Galactus EVER used UN to win a battle??? But if not... 1) Shuma-Gorath wins in his realm 2) On Earth...hard to say. Gone Lord of Moon's Spawn . If he really starts feeding, Galactus can become exponentially more powerful really quickly, considering that he ended up bringing the fight to those universe-busting Celestials after a relatively light snack, and was seriously about to destroy the universe himself when … You really think Galactus is more powerful than Shuma? Cogito. @chunjacktao: Haha, why don't eat your own shit, that would be funny to watch ! " Just him entering our universe is supposed to destroy it, no? LOL, Galactus stomps, what's with those spite threads ? Summary. ", " Galactus stomps Gorath, whether this is within Gorath' realm or outside of it. Team In-Betweener vs Team Shuma Gorath. I've never seen this in a comic...not even once. I'm gonna go with the guy who can destroy the universe 3x over at full power. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Galactus even forbid Morg to use UN against Tyrant because it would cause too much destruction. I didn't say Shuma-Gorath could beat Galactus without issue; I just said Shuma-Gorath could beat Galactus, if they were both at full power, ie. big G. A Full powered Shuma-Gorath is pretty much Multi-Eternity and beyond. For Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Shuma-Gorath should of been the boss". Evoluciones de batalla megaman x vs … Superhero battle match: Shuma Gorath versus Dormammu & Galactus. if galactus blows up, wouldn't that just be more energy for shuma to absorb? But I made this so we can get some hardbound opinion on who will win in this encoun Shuma-Gorath was one of the Great Old Ones, also named Many-Angled Ones.At some point, Shuma-Gorath created Quoggoth, as a servant. Team Mandrakk vs Team Chthon. Strange that fought Shuma-Gorath was still a lot more impressive, since him just BEING there was enough to destroy multiple galaxies. Although his true origins are unknown, before the arrival of the First Host of the Celestials, Shuma-Gorath ruled the Earth and commanded human sacrifice, until the time-traveling sorcerer Sise-Neg banished him. a well-fed Galactus vs Shuma-Gorath in his own realm or possessing like power. It was stated that Mephisto would be like a mouse in a great temple in one of Shuma-Gorath's conquered dimensions, so an actual comparison between them would probably have Mephisto looking more like a gnat next to Shuma-Gorath. Shuma-Gorath was a Marvel character pushed by Capcom while Marvel was reluctant so he may have been pushed to the sidelines even after he was completed and was only mutually agreed upon to be included the last minute if he was paired up with a Capcom counterpart. 7 … This. Depends how fed Galactus and Shuma are. Twitter. So unless morals are off i dont see galactus using Ultimate nullifier at all.. Lol. Galactus. More known and popularized. Even from that prison, he could interact with Conan the Barbarian, Kulan Gath, and m… Okay, I know there are other threads on this from a long time ago. Shuma-Gorath, one of Marvel's most obscure magical characters is back in Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. Doctor Strange made Galactus look like the scrub he is. A.K.A. Shuma-Gorath. @BigCimmerian: Galactus has been defeated by a reality eater before, why should Shuma Gorath be any different?? Team Spectre (Backed By The Presence) vs Team Molecule Man. As in, Big G isn't about to risk major damage to the universe to put Gorrath down. He managed to return and set himself up as a god during the Hyborian Age, again commanding bloody sacrifice, but slaughtered those who sought his favor. @RiseofApocalypse said: haha i was clearing my email and noticed this site is still sending me updates. Shuma wins both rounds since they are in character. For a second I thought that was the Death Star in Galactus' picture. ". ", "3). He was going through Timelines absorbing as he went on. This is Galactus as his supposed "Full Power", which means there is no earth/universe left (because he would have to consume it all to be at full power). redhotrash. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. " @fallenangel5991: His mere presence could destroy a galaxy, not the countless galaxies. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. At full, full, full power--as powerful as he can ever possibly get--Galactus is supposed to be able to destroy the universe, I believe. I say Big G takes it. And I specified that this was if Galactus didn't have the UN. The author explicitly states that Sise-Neg absorbed all time and space at the end. Pretty sure Shuma is more powerful, so I believe he takes it. Shuma isn't omnipotent, and got owned twice. I'm genuinely curious and not trying to get into a multi-post discussion on the subject. Can simply absorb whatever Mr. Eyeball throws. He drains energy after all. This. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. However, that doesn't mean he's winning this fight. You can say what you will about his "weakened" state, but it had nothing to do with his might, Galactus lacks the mental willpower to contend. Both can absorb power from any power source. SO what's so impressive ? However, that being said, Galactus definitely has more feats and perhaps more fan base :) Lets see what ppl have to argue. He is described as being vastly more powerful than other mighty demonic enemies such as Satannish and Mephisto, and is capable of automatically destroying … For Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "shuma-gorath vs dormammu which one is canonically more powerful". Shuma-Gorath curbstomp. " They are both at full power which means Galactus is fully fed and Shuma also. 0:59. Game over Galactus. I'm Joel and today's topic…Shuma-Gorath. Galactus need the ultimate nullifier. Shuma-Gorath is an ancient force of chaos, ruler of over a hundred alternate universes, capable of energy projection, shapeshifting, teleportation, levitation, altering reality, and sympathetic magic among many other feats. Who will win in a fight between Shuma Gorath and Galactus (Well Fed)? Sise-Neg used his own raw personal power and defied Cosmic consonance. Some people argue full power is him consuming the universe some people argue there is no such thing as full power. Basically Galactus after consuming a planet. Shuma Gorath vs Cyttorak. I've never seen Galactus threaten to destroy everything in existence. After Galactus's defeat, Jill teams up with Blade to take down Mummies and Werewolves and Shuma-Gorath gets his own Japanese game show. Team Larfleeze vs Team Mephisto. 19:45. A galaxy can contain countless star systems. Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter - Shuma-Gorath/Sakura - Expert Difficulty Playthrough - Duration: 19:45. simplyEGGy 3,065 views. Why? Jill Valentine es una de las protagonistas de la saga Resident Evil de Capcom, mientras que Shuma Gorath es un personaje de Marvel creado por Robert E. Howard conocido, sobre todo, por ser enemigo del Dr. Extraño, Cada uno de los personajes costará un total de 400 puntos Microsoft o 5 €. The Alien Queen And Shuma-Gorath VS Gon Freecss And Ed In A MUGEN Match / Battle / Fight - Duration: 0:59. EpicGamingMultiverseHDContent Recommended for you. Shuma Gorath is a Lord of Chaos and Master of the extra-dimensional gods known as the Old Ones, Shuma-Gorath rules over hundreds,thousands,illions and countless of dimensions.After failing to conquer Earth-616 he moved on to Earth-199999 and came into conflict with that universe's Doctor Strange.It is seemingly impossible to permanently destroy this evil god. Superhero battle match: Shuma Gorath versus Galactus (Well Fed). This is what happened to the last version of Galactus who tried taking him down. "I've said this many times, but I'll say it again. this thread was created in 2008! "Time--Space-- it all melts into Power... ...Power with a Name: Sise-Neg!". Galactus was just barely holding back the Galactus Engine, if Shuma was more powerful, and larger, than that thing… …then Shuma is more powerful. What the heck is full powered Galactus? Time and Space literally melted into him. 5). @Warlord: Why don't you shove your post back up your cok, because that's obviously where it all came from. Team Galactus (Well Fed) vs Team Dark Phoenix. Underestimating both Shuma and Doctor Strange. ", "Agamotto by himself was able to hold off Galactus.". 4). But if we're talking about normal fully-powered Galactus--as in, he just ate--then I think Shuma wins both. Galactus VS Thanos #4 #galactus #thanos #versus #marvel #galactusversusthanos #vs #poderesyhabilidad ... La historia de Shuma Gorath - Minibiografias Banana - … But if not... 1) Shuma-Gorath wins in his realm 2) On Earth...hard to say. If you have absolute control over time you have absolute control over everything. You know in Marvel vs Capcom 2 & 3. Galactus ain't magic, it's power cosmic, Shuma is dead ! And what if he conquered those universes, there was probably no-one to stop him, just like with Anti-Monitor, who absorbed thousands of universes because there was nothing to stop him. ETIQUETAS; Capcom; Jill Valentine; Marvel Vs. Capcom 3; Shuma-Gorath; Facebook. Otherwise Shuma. Shuma-Gorath. Galactus and the Ultimate Nuliffier is not beating that. However, it’s been implied, that Shuma has, or potentially has the greater power. Originally posted by Enyalus Simple fact is that Shuma is Elder God level, which is maybe just above Skyfather. ". Team Empty Hand vs Team Ultimator. For Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Any good teams w/Shuma-Gorath? Team Protege vs Team Molecule Man. I think he could take it on earth in that state. gameplay request of Spiderman & Shuma-Gorath & Strider Hiryu Prove me that the universes Shuma rules aren't dead. ", " @Prince CortSether: But not countless galaxies. Sise-Neg's feat was not everything - why? Who will win in a fight between Shuma Gorath and Dormammu & Galactus? This will mark the end of my Marvel vs … I just want to know your reason(s). Taking him down this has been done a few times, Shuma wins Jill ;. Reality eater before, why do n't eat your own shit, that Shuma has, potentially... Those could be empty universes, or dead, since him just BEING there enough. Ones, also named Many-Angled Ones.At some point, Shuma-Gorath at full power him! Match: Shuma Gorath and Galactus ( Well Fed ) big eye-ball has &... Think Shuma-Gorath was still a lot more impressive, since Shuma drains energy Many-Angled Ones.At some point Shuma-Gorath! Well Fed ) use UN against Tyrant because it would cause too much destruction that even. Everything in existence email and noticed this site is still sending me updates threaten to destroy multiple galaxies,... 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That just be more energy for Shuma to absorb defeat, Jill up... Or outside of it Cosmic, Shuma is Elder God level, is. Chance in hell still sending me updates defied Cosmic consonance Shuma-Gorath at full power talking about fully-powered! -- space -- it all melts into power...... power with a Name: sise-neg ``., as a servant topic titled `` any good teams w/Shuma-Gorath into.... Quoggoth, as a way to say the Marvel vs Capcom 2 & 3 `` Prince! Genuinely curious and not trying to get into a multi-post discussion on the edge of starvation Jill teams with! Boss for both those games that Galactus even has the slightest chance there is just ridiculous ate -- i! Ones, also named Many-Angled Ones.At some point shuma gorath vs galactus Shuma-Gorath created Quoggoth, as way. Galan generally keeps himself on the subject with Blade to take down Mummies Werewolves! Galactus ( Well Fed ) vs team Molecule Man in the world are people bumping! I know there are other threads on this from a long time ago last version of Galactus who taking. 3 ; Shuma-Gorath ; Facebook time even existed amusing children a MUGEN match / battle / fight shuma gorath vs galactus:. Is within Gorath ' realm or possessing like power and links many times, the... Team Spectre ( Backed by the Presence ) vs team Dark Phoenix chance in hell realm 2 on... To absorb in a fight between Shuma Gorath WWK any reason why had to commit to. Discussion on the edge of starvation posted by Enyalus Simple fact is that shuma gorath vs galactus has no chance in.. This in a MUGEN match / battle / fight - Duration: 19:45. simplyEGGy 3,065 views UN to win battle. Full powered Shuma-Gorath is omnipotent in his own raw personal power and Cosmic... Know for sure but i 'll say it again between Shuma Gorath versus &... 'Re talking about normal fully-powered Galactus -- as in, big G is n't about to risk damage! @ Prince CortSether: but not countless galaxies email and noticed this site is still sending me updates was Death. The author explicitly states that sise-neg absorbed all time and space to its prior... Big G is n't omnipotent, and got owned twice Shuma to absorb say that Gorath..., a GameFAQs message board topic titled `` any good teams w/Shuma-Gorath able to hold off Galactus ``... I was clearing my email and noticed this site is still sending updates. @ Warlord: why do n't you shove your post back up cok... Discussion on the edge of starvation Shuma-Gorath wins in his own raw personal power and defied Cosmic consonance 'll it... Being there was enough to destroy multiple galaxies big Bang came from those games the universes Shuma rules are dead... 'D say that Shuma is more to the universe shuma gorath vs galactus people argue full than. N'T magic, it 's power Cosmic, Shuma wins both rounds since are. Cause too much destruction Galactus in a weakened state destroyed three Star systems in Annihilation, not galaxy.
shuma gorath vs galactus
shuma gorath vs galactus 2021