4 Februar 2018 #1 Hallo zusammen. According to available data, the five provided only three have been returned, having lost two, one killed by Iranians and other lost in an accident. The Dassault Super Étendard is a French carrier-borne "strike" fighter in service within the navies of Argentina and France Argentine Navy See also category: Dassault Super Étendard of the navy of Argentina. 17. Though nearly replaced by a variant of the Jaguar, the French later authorized Dassault to build an improved Super Etendard with a new navigation/attack system, a … Airlines 556 Airshows 3614 General Aviation 117 Militärische Betreiber 2915 Museen 2095 Sonstige Bilder 1638 Typen 6941 ATR 16 Aermacci 6 Aero 101 Aero Spacelines 1 Aeroprogress 1 Aérospatiale 22 Aerospatiale-BAC 7 Aerovolga 1 Agusta Westland 28 Airbus 449 Alenia 7 Amateur- und Industriebau 2 American Champion Aircraft 2 Antonow 154 Aquila 1 Arado 3 Auguste … The Dassault Super Etendard -page contains all related products, articles, books, walkarounds and plastic scale modeling projects dedicated to this aircraft. Album Like Share. However, he was not able to compete with supersonic aircraft at that time were already in operation. As with the Etendard IV series, the Super Etendard served with the two French Clemenceau-class aircraft carriers of the day - FS Clemenceau and FS Foch - and formal service began in February of 1979. Besides the engine, the Super Etendard received modified wings, with the leading edges inclined. Cybermodeler Online. The Super Etendard was developed by Dassault as a low-cost version of the naval fighter Dassault Etendard-IV M. Among the changes introduced was the engine change, because the Super-Etendard started using Atar 8K50 engine, which alone gave the new plane much higher capacities. The Dassault Étendard IV is a transonic carrier-borne strike fighter aircraft developed and manufactured by French aerospace company Dassault Aviation.It has the distinction of being the first indigenously designed carrier-capable jet aircraft to be produced in France.. Development of the Étendard originally commenced during the 1950s. Dassault Etendard IV Basic Type. French Super Étendards have served in several conflicts such as the Kosovo War, the War in … The Super Étendard first flew in October 1974. Sie wurde für den flugzeugträgergestützten Einsatz bei den französischen Marinefliegern entwickelt. Alben. These changes increased the plane and came to be called Super Etendards Modernisé (SEM), which participated in the operations of NATO over Kosovo in 1999 as part of 400 combat missions. * Ribbons not necessarily indicative of actual historical campaign ribbons. 6/21/2018
French Navy See also category: Dassault Super Étendard of the … Colorado) hat die Dassault Etendard / Super Etendard zum Thema. Dassault Mirage Milan (Kite) Single-Seat, Single-Engine Strike Fighter Prototype. On January 19, 1973, the then Minister of State in charge of national defense Michel Debré chose the Super-Étendard as the French Navy’s multipurpose weapon aircraft that would ultimately replace the Étendard … Dassault Super Étendard. We do not sell any of the items showcased on this site. The overall rating takes into account over. Von der Etendard IVM standen 69 Flugzeuge im Einsatz, zusätzlich benutzte die Marine 21 Etendard IVP als Aufklärer. The Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard (Étendard is French for "battle flag") is a French carrier-borne strike fighter aircraft designed by Dassault-Breguet for service with the French Navy.The aircraft is an advanced development of the Étendard IVM.The Super Étendard first flew in October 1974 and entered French service in June 1978. Weitere Ideen zu flugzeug, kampfflugzeuge, militärflugzeug. Ab Juni 1978 kaufte die Aéronavale insgesamt 71 Maschinen und stellte mit ihnen drei Einsatzstaffeln sowie einen Trainingsverband auf. 1978. Celebrating 21 years of hobby news and reviews. The fifth missile was launched against the HMS Invincible. The Dassault Super Etendard is a French naval based fighter-bomber created in 1974 as a low-cost replacement of the Dassault Etendard IV. Note: On April 15, 1994, this Etendard on a reconnaissance mission, was hit by a surface-to-air missile in Bosnia and Herzegovina over Gorazde. Dassault Etendard IV MSN. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 4 million screened photos online! FlightAware Aviation Photos: (Dassault Super Etendard), Dassault Super Etendard, Landivisiau Naval Air Base (LFRJ/RDB), LFRJ * In 1953, NATO issued a requirement designated "NATO Basic MilitaryRequirement 1 (NBMR-1)" for a "light weight tactical strike fighter (LWTSF)"that would be fitted with four 12.7-millimeter (0.50-caliber) Browningmachine guns, would be easy to maintain in austere conditions, and couldoperate from unimproved front-line airfields. Sie wurde für den flugzeugträgergestützten Einsatz bei den französischen Marinefliegern entwickelt. Dassault Super Etendard three-view silhouette.png 480 × 356; 14 KB DASSAULT-BREGUET SUPER ETENDARD.png 574 × 385; 12 KB Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard (8681244020).jpg 1,000 × 667; 577 KB There was an "Arms Embargo" due to violations of human rights because of the Cold War. Dassault Super Etendard [ page 1 ] 1/72 scale model of the Super Etendard by Heller : kit review / modelling report: The French company of Dassault designed (based on the Etendard) the Super Etendard supersonic strike fighter for use from French aircraft carriers. lf-collection, though, would be my favourite. Multirole / Interceptor Aircraft. All joints were cleanly spat and sanded. Dassault proposed to create a more powerful variant of the Étendard, with revised wing, new engine and improved avionics. On one occasion, three Super Étendards operated effectively (with landings and catapultagens) on the aircraft carrier in Brazil. Actively participate in the exercises (called Stages of the Sea), with airplanes and helicopters Comando Naval Aviation (COANA), along the Sea Fleet vessels (COFN), Division of Maritime Patrol (DVPM makes) and the submarines of the Command of Submarine Force (COFS). See all formats and editions Hide other formats and … US-Benzinkanister (16 Stück) Bei Fragen bitte ich werde mein Bestes geben, um zu beantworten. 19. Fünf Super Etendard wurden von der französischen Aéronavale ab Oktober 1983 während des Iranisch-Irakischen Golfkrieges an die irakischen Luftstreitkräfte ausgeliehen, da die vom Irak bestellten Mirage-F1-Flugzeuge noch im Bau waren. Der einstrahlige Jagdbomber und Aufklärer flog erstmals am 28. At the beginning of the war Argentina owned 8 planes of an order of 14 planes and 5 ASW missiles of the Exocet type. On April 15, 1994, this Etendard on a reconnaissance mission, was hit by a surface-to-air missile in Bosnia and Herzegovina over Gorazde. 12 (cn 12) Dassault Super Etendard, Luxeuil - St. Sauveur (LFSX), France Navy, High quality military aircraft photos at the internet military aviation leader, AIRFIGHTERS.COM! The Super Etendard was developed by Dassault as a low-cost version of the naval fighter Dassault Etendard-IVM. There are not many details on this use of the Super Etendard in Iraq, but it is known that the first operation took place in March 1984, and that although several targets have been reached, there was no sinking of any ship. Besides the engine, the Super Etendard received modified wings, with the leading edges inclined. Deprived of the depth flap, riddled with impacts, Lieutenant-Commander Pierre Clary achieves a... Romain Salerno / Aeronantes Spotters. For Dassault, after the Mirage Milan experience it is also a foothold in new serially-produced weapon systems. Externí odkazy. Etendard IV - Base Etendard Production Model on which the Super Etendard is based on. Dassault Super Étendard : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz) Successeur de l'Étendard IV, il a été produit à 85 exemplaires mis en service par la Marine nationale française et l'Argentine. November 2020, 18:56. Home What's New Features & Reviews Model Kit Top Gun Subject & Color Refs Search About Us. By mid-1988 remain part of the EAG, along with the Grumman S-2 Tracker and the McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk at this date, 25 de Mayo came into reforms that were never completed and the ship was finally scrapped in the late 90 in Alang, India. To complicate the things the Super Etendard was much more expensive than its main rival the fighter A-4 Skyhawk. As the strike aircraft based on land, he also had several rivals cheaper and equally effective in the role as the BAE Hawk and Alpha Jet. Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, https://military.wikia.org/wiki/Dassault_Super_Etendard?oldid=829011. Dassault-Breguet Super Etendard Airfix A03060 Spritzguss - 1/72. Please direct all other inquiries to militaryfactory AT gmail.com. Note: On April 15, 1994, this Etendard on a reconnaissance mission, was hit by a surface-to-air missile in Bosnia and Herzegovina over Gorazde. It is a development of the Dassault Étendard IV attack aircraft in parallel with the new "Air-surface" version of the Aérospatiale anti-ship missile, the AM 39 "Exocet". Dassault Super Etendard. The Super Etendard were returned to France the following year, 1995. The Dassault Etendard & Super Etendard Literatura. Without being able to operate in an aircraft carrier itself, the pilots of the Super Etendards continued training on board the complex operation, the Commander Naval Air Spur is a part of its track modified to simulate, Argentine Super Etendard taking of from the U.S Aircraft Carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), landings hooked on an aircraft carrier. British sources report that was destroyed by friendly fire from HMS Avenger for a 114 mm cannon. The Argentine Navy purchased 14 Super Étendards in 1980, after the United States denied the possibility of replacing its A-4Q Skyhawks. 32 full info | 32 photos. Of the French Navy on a scale of 1:48 by Kinetic.
However, politics doomed this variant and an advanced, more powerful form of the Etendard was developed and taken into service instead. Dassault Mirage F1. 3-A-209 Location. Da ich dazu tendiere etwas ausgefallene Modellbauthemen aufzugreifen, fiel meine Wahl auf das Modell der Super Etendard des französischen … Dassault Super Etendard PE Detailset Heller. Dassault Super Étendard / Super Étendard Modernisé Kinetic - K48061 - 1/48. JetJournal - Gallery. Dassault Super Etendard Comando de Aviación Naval Argentina (Argentine naval Aviation 1916-now) 2 Esc. Dassault Super Etendard three-view silhouette.png 480 × 356; 14 KB DASSAULT-BREGUET SUPER ETENDARD.png 574 × 385; 12 KB Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard (8681244020).jpg 1,000 × … Between May 2 and May 5 of 2002, held a historic fact, when the aircraft carrier NAe São Paulo of Brazilian Navy sailed into the Atlantic south to develop the exercise ARAEX VI and allowed an GAE mixed, composed of Brazilians and Argentines planes. Die Dassault Super Étendard ist ein einstrahliges Kampfflugzeug des Herstellers Dassault Aviation. Development of the Étendard originally commenced during the 1950s. This single engine, swept-wing, jet-powered design - Dassault's first in the realm of naval aircraft - led a good healthy life in service with the French and, when it came time to seek a successor, thought turned to a navalized strike variant of the SEPECAT Jaguar, the "Jaguar M". The five missiles were used during the conflict, a missile destroyed the HMS Sheffield and one in support ship Atlantic Conveyor employing two missiles in each of the attacks. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. The Super Étendard is a development of the earlier Étendard IVM that was originally to have been replaced by a navalised version of the SEPECAT Jaguar (the Jaguar M), until this plan was stalled by political problems, together with problems with operating the Jaguar aboard ships, including handling problems when flying on a single engine and poor throttle response that made landing back on a carrier after an engine failure difficult.The Jaguar M was formally cancelled by the French government in 1973… Dassault Super Étendard. The Super Etendard was not a sales success, especially because as an aircraft to operate from conventional aircraft carrier, the market was reduced. Values are derrived from a variety of categories related to the design, overall function, and historical influence of this aircraft in aviation history. Étendard IVM: Dies war die Standard-Marineversion. Danke, Rainer . Le Dassault Super-Étendard est un avion d'attaque et de chasse français construit par Dassault, destiné à être embarqué à bord de porte-avions. Dabei hat man nicht wie gewohnt die Auswahl von bestimmten Maschinen sondern man kann sich aussuchen welche der 69 IVM, 21 IVP oder 71 Super Etendard man in welchem Tarnkleid bauen möchte. Die Dassault Super Étendard (l'étendard, m. = frz. The model is very cleanly built and bears the badges of the Flottile 11F. Dassault Super Etendard. The French Navy accepted the proposal, and deliveries began in 1978. Der Flugzeugtyp ist eine Weiterentwicklung seines aus den 1950er Jahren stammenden Vorgängers Étendard IV. Die Maschinen kamen ab 1984 etwa 50-mal zum Einsatz, wobei am 27. More about the Dassault Super Etendard jet. All written content, illustrations, and photography are unique to this website (unless where indicated) and not for reuse/reproduction in any form. Dassault Super Etendard of the French Navy. The nine planes would be turned over later. Among the changes introduced was the engine change, because the Super-Etendard started using Atar 8K50 engine, which alone gave the new plane much higher capacities. Material presented throughout this website is for historical and entertainment value only and should not to be construed as usable for hardware restoration, maintenance, or general operation. Chris Bishop, Christopher Chant - "Aircraft Carriers", MBI Publishing Company LLC, ISBN 0760320055; Dassault; Civilni: Falcon 7X • Falcon 10 • Falcon 20 • Falcon 30 • Falcon 50 • Falcon 900 • Falcon 2000 • Hirondelle • Mercure • MD.80 ABC. Aeronaval de Caza y Ataque, 3 Escuadra Aeronaval 3-A-203/0753/03 1982 - Commandante Espora AB, Argentina . Schnelle Lieferung, große Auswahl, gesicherte Zahlung. 21. Dassault Super Etendard operational range when compared to distances between major cities. Dassault Super Etendard Modell - Alle Modelle und Zubehörteile für Super Etendard Modellbau bei 1001Hobbies (1001Modellbau). The Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard (Étendard is French for "battle flag") is a French carrier-borne strike fighter aircraft designed by Dassault-Breguet for service with the French Navy. 1 x SNECMA Atar 8K-50 turbojet with afterburner developing 11,025 lb of thrust. Reaktionen: Tu-16 Badger. T. Tu-16 Badger User. Dassault Super Etendard Modeler's Online Reference Cybermodeler Online Das Porto für Zubehör und die Kosten des verpackten Gewichts für Modellbausätze werden kombiniert. Dassault Super Etendard Modernisé (SEM) by Frank Safranek (4 September 2003) hen most people think of current carrier-launched attack aircraft they usually think of the versatile F/A-18, the Sea Harrier, or the new Rafale M (my apologies in advance if I forgot anyone's favorite). November 19, 2020. Apparently, the aircraft supplied to Iraq were part of the nine whose delivery had been canceled by France, when it passed an embargo on arms sales to Argentina. Also, each time a Battle Group of an aircraft carrier of U.S. Navy sails near the territorial waters of Argentina takes advantage to make PyAD that are landing and takeoff practice on the American ship. Academy Modellbausatz im Maßstab 1:72, 9 ist ein Rebox erschienen im jahr 1983 | Inhalte, Vorschau, Bausatzvorstellungen, Geschichte + Marktplatz | Dassault Super Etendard Advanced Trainer / Close-Support Aircraft. Únor 1981, roč. The Dassault Étendard IV is a transonic carrier-borne strike fighter aircraft developed and manufactured by French aerospace company Dassault Aviation. 1:72 . Dassault Super Etendard Die Super Etendard entstand aus dem bewährten Etendard IV, die seit 1962 auf den beiden französischen Flugzeugträgern Clemencau und Foch eingesetzt wurden. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Ribbons are clickable to their respective campaigns/operations. Dassault Super Etendard. The Super Etendard stocked three operation squadrons of the French Navy and a training group was also added. The aircraft is an advanced development of the Étendard IVM. : 66 c/n: 80 : Royal International Air Tattoo 2001 [Royal Air Force Station Cottesmore (EGXJ)] nächstes Luftfahrzeug - nach oben - Flugzeuginfo.net. Argentina; France (retired); Iraq (retired). Post Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:24 pm. Here is the Dassault Super Etendard Modeler's Online Reference one-stop resource for photos, kits, details, and references. The Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard (Étendard is French for "battle flag") is a French carrier-borne strike fighter aircraft designed by Dassault-Breguet for service with the French Navy.The aircraft is an advanced development of the Étendard IVM.The Super Étendard first flew in October 1974 and entered French service in June 1978. Argentina Date Photographed. Dassault Super Étendard. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Die Dassault Super Etendard. The Super Etendard was developed by Dassault as a low-cost version of the naval fighter Dassault Etendard-IVM. Oktober 1974. 18. With the Brazilian Navy desenvolmeram ARAEX the exercises, in which aircraft were operating in the Argentine aircraft carrier NAeL Minas Gerais (A-11), but the limitations of catapults in the same limited activities to practice "touch and go.". The Dassault-Breguet "Super Etendard" ("Banner" in French) is a light embarked fighter bomber , successfully tested in combat, on various attack missions in Argentina, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and recently in Libya. The Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard (Étendard is French for "battle flag") is a French carrier-borne strike fighter aircraft designed by Dassault-Breguet for service with the French Navy.The aircraft is an advanced development of the Étendard IVM.The Super Étendard first flew in October 1974 and entered French service in June 1978. The Armee de l'Air (AA), theFrench air force, had a requirement along much the same lines, but wanted atwin-engine configuration and armament of twin DEFA 30-millimeterr… Here is the Dassault Super Etendard photo gallery from DoD Photo sources. Dassault-Dornier Alpha Jet. Though it was intended that the requirement would be fullfilled by a " navalised Jaguar M ", that never happened. It has the distinction of being the first indigenously designed carrier-capable jet aircraft to be produced in France. 1973. Vorbild: Das französische trägergestützte Kampfflugzeug Dassault-Breguet Super Etendard entstand als Weiterentwicklung der Etendard IV. Dassault Super Etendard 1974: NAVAL STRIKE FIGHTER: Virtual Aircraft Museum / France / Dassault : The Super Etendard transonic shipboard strike fighter was a progressive development of the Etendard IVM and was, in fact, 90%, having a more powerful turbojet, enhanced-capability equipment, improved aerodynamic features and revised structure. Étendard IV: Dies war der erste Prototyp (noch mit Snecma Atar 101E Triebwerk ausgestattet), der von Dassault auf eigene Kosten gebaut und anschließend für die Marine modifiziert wurde. 0759 Code. This topic is categorised under: Aircraft » Jets » Dassault Super Etendard. Vorbild: Die Super Etendard ist ein Kampfflugzeug, das sich vor allem durch seine lange Einsatzperiode hervortut.Ihr Vorläufer, die Dassault-Breguet Etendard, wurde 1958 erprobt. Dassault Super Etendard. Thema ist der Falklandkrieg, welcher sich 2012 zum 30. Starting in the 1990's, an upgrade program was initiated to modernize the Super Étendard, called Super Étendard Modernisé, or SEM. The Argentine pilots had used the French aircraft in training between November 1980 and August 1981 in France, but the outbreak of the Falklands War, had received only 45 hours of flight in this aircraft type. Bitte warten Sie, bis ich die Rechnung gesendet habe, damit ich die Versandkosten korrekt kombinieren kann, da Ebay dies nicht automatisch tut. After the reforms of the aircraft carrier ARA Veinticinco de Mayo (V-2) (POMA), began operations, forming part of its GAE (Grupo Aeronaval Embarcado, Naval Embedded Group in English) on April 18 of 1983, el Corvette Captain Augusto Bedacarratz, landed the first time in V-2. Iraq made a deal with France in 1984, which led to the lease of five Super Etendard aircraft to the regime of Saddam Hussein, when he was at war with Iran, Iraqi Super Étendard and its crew during the Iran-Iraq War. 15.09.2019 - Erkunde Dennis Denniss Pinnwand „Dassault Super Etendard“ auf Pinterest. 1970. Between August and November 1981 five and five Super Etendards Exocets were sent to Argentina. | Content ©www.MilitaryFactory.com. Die Dassault Super Etendard ist ein Angriffsjäger von Dassault Aviation, der für den Einsatz von Flugzeugträgern für die französische Marine entwickelt wurde. Ideas. 14.04.2017 - Galeriebeitrag Dassault Super Etendard von Heller, ein Modell gebaut von Andreas Hermanns in 1:48. Dassault Super Etendard M French Navy Reg. Spooky Posts: 93 Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:55 pm. 70 Reg. Airfix 1/48 Dassault Super Etendard. Will pack the model as well as possible in Styrofoam chips and bubble bags, but can give no guarantee that something will break off. French Dassault Entendard Modernise (SEM) with Tiger Stripe camouflage during the Tiger Meet. © Dassault Aviation. von Christian Lehmann - 04 Mai, 2012 Academy, 1:72: Dassault Super Etendard. Ersteller Jetrink; Erstellt am 4 Februar 2018; J. Jetrink User. Since 1991, the original Etendards IVMs were removed from service in the French Navy, and the Super Étendards underwent continuous modernization in 90 years to be able to use them with weapons-art laser guided. Die Webseite Flugzeuginfo.net beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Luftfahrt und Flugzeugen im allgemeinen. These characteristics have led to the Super Etendard aircraft was classified as protection of the fleet from attack by enemy ships, along with the role of ground attack. This year will be the 30th anniversary of the Falkland War. This entry's maximum listed speed (749mph). Image from the United States Department of Defense imagery database. Kann mir bitte jemand zeigen wo ich den Baubericht finden kann. The "Military Factory" name and MilitaryFactory.com logo are registered ® U.S. trademarks protected by all applicable domestic and international intellectual property laws. Dassault . Sie bildeten die Luftangriffskomponente der Bordgeschwader auf den beiden französischen Flugzeugträgern und später auf deren Nachfolger, der … Letectví a kosmonautika. Dassault Super Etendard: De l'Etendard IV au Standard Modernise (Les Matériels de l'Armée de l'Air) (French Edition) (French) Paperback – February 23, 2011 by Frédéric Lert (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars 5 ratings. Ab 1978 wurden die ersten Serienmaschinen an die französische Marine ausgeliefert. It is expected that all Super Étendards are withdrawn from service in 2010, which are being replaced since 2006 by Dassault Rafale. The protection function of the squadron, allowed the Super Etendard attack enemy ships, but the function of protecting and defending against aircraft were restricted to the F-8 Crusader. „Standarte“) ist ein einstrahliges Kampfflugzeug des französischen Herstellers Dassault Aviation. Etendard IV M. This version carried 5 OMERA cameras in the fuselage nose, while the ventral bay could accommodate long-focus cameras in lieu of the cannons. The prototype #07 (or Étendard IV P), ordered in September 1959, first flew on November 19, 1960. This was the motivation of some members of 1.PMCN to build some models related to this topic. Der Flugzeugtyp ist eine Weiterentwicklung seines aus den 1950er-Jahren stammenden Vorgängers Étendard IV. Buenos Aires - Base Aeronaval Punta Indio Country. This became the "Super Entendard" which was added to the French Navy inventory in 1978 and saw considerably better operational exposure through several overseas customers. But one that is often overlooked is the Dassault Super Etendard. The aircraft would then attack the function of points on land, building on the French aircraft carrier Foch (now A-12 São Paulo) and Clemenceau. 5 Artikel enth�lt die Sparte Flugzeuge Militär Modern begrenzt auf Dassault Super Etendard. Super Étendard . 4 Februar … 100 Years Dassault Aviation MD 540 Ouragan, Mirage III E, AMD Super Etendard, Mirage 2000C Heller 1:72 52320 Though it was intended that the requirement would be fullfilled by a " navalised Jaguar M", that never happened. Dassault Super Etendard. Dassault Super Etendard Generic Type. Liebe Modellbaukollegen, quasi als Einstand in dieses Forum stelle ich Euch heute meine Dassault Super Etendard von Heller vor. Ich habe vor einiger zeit einen Bericht ueber den Bau diese Modells gesehen, leider kann ich den Bericht nicht mehr finden. Carrier-based Navy Strike Fighter Aircraft. Dassault Super Etendard of the French Navy. François N added a new project. The Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard (Étendard is French for "battle flag", cognate to English "standard") is a French carrier-borne strike fighter aircraft designed by Dassault-Breguet for service with the French Navy. The SEM also participated in combat operations in Operation Enduring Freedom. Dassault Super Etendard - Heller - 1:48. Oktober 1974. Dassault Super Etendard, Academy und Heller, 1/72: Argentinische Marineflieger (2a escuadrille aeronavalle de caza y attaque), Südatlantik, Mai 1982, Pilot: Kapitänleutnant Augusto Bedacarratz Showcasing era cross-over of this aircraft design. My contribution is the Super Etendard manufactured by the French aircraft producer Dassault. 3, s. 111-114. Dassault Super Etendard three-view silhouette.png 480 × 356; 14 KB DASSAULT-BREGUET SUPER ETENDARD.png 574 × 385; 12 KB Dassault-Breguet Super Étendard (8681244020).jpg 1.000 × … Dassault Super Etendard von Christian Lehmann (1:72 Academy) Die Motivation für den Bau des Modells entstand aus einem Gruppenprojekt des Modellbauclubs in dem ich Mitglied bin. On January 19, 1973, the then Minister of State in charge of national defense Michel Debré chose the Super-Étendard as the French Navy’s multipurpose weapon aircraft that would ultimately replace the Étendard IV, Crusader and Alizé. Dassault Super Étendard. The French Navy adopted the original Dassault Etendard ("Standard") (detailed elsewhere on this site) in both its IVM strike fighter and IVP photo-reconnaissance forms during the early 1960s and total production reached ninety units. Among the changes introduced was the engine change, because the Super-Etendard started using Atar 8K50 engine, which alone gave the new plane much higher capacities. 16. Dassault Super Étendard. LVII, čís. (Showcased performance values pertain to the, (Showcased armament details pertain to the. Also now used a new radar, Thomson-CSF Agave, best suited for naval missions, along with a new navigation system optimized for attack missions. Entwickelt wurde die Maschine als leichtes Jagdflugzeug für den Einsatz auf französischen Flugzeugträgern. The Super-Étendard was France’s first combat aircraft featuring modern weapon outfits. The Dassault Super Étendard is a French carrier-borne "strike" fighter in service within the navies of Argentina and France. For Dassault, after the Mirage Milan experience it is also a foothold in new serially-produced weapon systems. (Heller mould) You get four grey sprues, the two fuselage halves and one clear sprue, all rattling around and the canopy parts are scratched to hell. Mal jährt. The naval single-seater combat aircraft, Dassault Super-Etendard, is a modernized version of the Etendard IV M. Main modifications include updating of the weapons system through the installation (a first for a French production aircraft) of a modern navigation and combat management system. Obrázky, zvuky či videa k tématu Dassault Super Étendard na Wikimedia Commons (francouzsky) Super Etendard (francouzsky) Super Étendard Modernisé (anglicky) Kamufláže letounu Dassault Étendard IV … Der Erstflug des Prototyps war am 28. Soon after the Falklands War, the Command of Naval Aviation (COANA) of Argentine Navy received the remaining units that did complete the 14 aircraft orders. Authored By: Staff Writer | Last Edited:
The French company of Dassault designed (based on the Etendard) the Super Etendard supersonic strike fighter for use from French aircraft carriers. - 04 Mai, 2012 Academy, 1:72: Dassault Super Etendard ist ein Angriffsjäger von Dassault.... Sem also participated in combat operations in operation Enduring Freedom is an advanced, more powerful form the... The Mirage Milan experience it is also a foothold in new serially-produced weapon.., after the Mirage Milan experience it is expected that all Super Étendards operated effectively ( landings! Replacing its A-4Q Skyhawks 14 planes and 5 ASW missiles of the Exocet type bei... A foothold in new serially-produced weapon systems '', that never happened Flugzeugträgern später., the Super Etendard -page contains all related products, articles, books walkarounds. Politics doomed this variant and an advanced development of the Exocet type scale of 1:48 by Kinetic we not! New Features & Reviews Model Kit Top Gun Subject & Color Refs Search Us... Text from Wikipedia, https: //military.wikia.org/wiki/Dassault_Super_Etendard? oldid=829011 Aviation 1916-now ) 2 Esc “ ) ist ein Angriffsjäger Dassault... 93 Joined: Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:55 pm Super Étendards are withdrawn from service 2010. Mein Bestes geben, um zu beantworten Dassault Etendard IV - Base Etendard Production Model on which Super! Verpackten Gewichts für Modellbausätze werden kombiniert Dassault Super Etendard operational range when compared to distances between major cities modeling dedicated!: Dassault Super Etendard was launched against the HMS Invincible ( Showcased armament details pertain to the als Jagdflugzeug. Ab Juni 1978 kaufte die Aéronavale insgesamt 71 Maschinen und stellte mit ihnen drei Einsatzstaffeln einen. Range when compared to distances between major cities Modells gesehen, leider ich... » Dassault Super Etendard von Heller vor and a training group was also added after the Mirage Milan Kite! 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Received modified wings, with the leading edges inclined intellectual property laws von Flugzeugträgern für die Marine... From Wikipedia, https: //military.wikia.org/wiki/Dassault_Super_Etendard? oldid=829011 6/21/2018 | Content ©www.MilitaryFactory.com von Flugzeugträgern für französische! By the French Navy and a training group was also added all other inquiries to at. Einstrahlige Jagdbomber und Aufklärer flog erstmals am 28 für Modellbausätze werden kombiniert bei den französischen Marinefliegern.. An die französische Marine ausgeliefert French aircraft producer Dassault entry 's maximum listed speed 749mph... | Last Edited: 6/21/2018 | Content ©www.MilitaryFactory.com the depth flap, riddled with impacts, Lieutenant-Commander Clary. 2006 by Dassault as a low-cost replacement of the naval fighter Dassault Etendard-IVM in September,. Possibility of replacing its A-4Q Skyhawks was launched against the HMS Invincible 85 exemplaires mis en service la! This year will be the 30th anniversary of the French aircraft producer Dassault Reference Online. Build some models related to this topic is categorised under: aircraft » Jets » Dassault Super Etendard developed! Products, articles, books, walkarounds and plastic scale modeling projects to! Le Dassault Super-Étendard est un avion d'attaque et de chasse français construit par Dassault, after the Mirage Milan it., m. = frz ab Juni 1978 kaufte die Aéronavale insgesamt 71 Maschinen und stellte mit ihnen Einsatzstaffeln. Returned to France the following year, 1995 1978 wurden die ersten Serienmaschinen an die französische Marine.. Auf Pinterest one occasion, three Super Étendards operated effectively ( with landings catapultagens!... Romain Salerno / Aeronantes Spotters being the first indigenously designed carrier-capable jet aircraft to be produced in.! Producer Dassault Andreas Hermanns in 1:48 Dassault Entendard Modernise ( SEM ) with Tiger Stripe camouflage during the.! Für die französische Marine ausgeliefert to violations of human rights because of the Falkland.. All other inquiries to militaryfactory at gmail.com Etendard Modeler 's Online Reference one-stop resource for photos, kits details... Anniversary of the French Navy on a scale of 1:48 by Kinetic Einsatz von Flugzeugträgern die. Für Zubehör und die Kosten des verpackten Gewichts für Modellbausätze werden kombiniert, he not... ; Iraq ( retired ) ; Iraq ( retired ) Etendard received modified wings, with the leading edges.... Meine Dassault Super Etendard stocked three operation squadrons of the Flottile 11F 14 Super Étendards 1980..., 1:72: Dassault Super Étendard doomed this variant and an advanced, more powerful form the. Was developed by Dassault as a low-cost version of the French Navy and a group. 04 Mai, 2012 Academy, 1:72: Dassault Super Etendard -page contains all related products articles... 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Nationale française et l'Argentine designed carrier-capable jet aircraft to be produced in France Modells gesehen, leider ich... Modellbaukollegen, quasi als Einstand in dieses Forum stelle ich Euch heute meine Dassault Super Etendard naval based fighter-bomber in... Été produit à 85 exemplaires mis en service par la Marine nationale française et.... A training group was also added Jagdbomber und Aufklärer flog erstmals am 28 “ auf Pinterest - Galeriebeitrag Super., books, walkarounds and plastic scale modeling projects dedicated to this topic inclined! 1980, after the Mirage Milan experience it is also a foothold in serially-produced! Super-Étendard est un avion d'attaque et de chasse français construit par Dassault, after United... One that is often overlooked dassault super étendard the biggest database of Aviation photographs with over 4 million screened photos!... Einsatzstaffeln sowie einen Trainingsverband auf Kite ) Single-Seat, Single-Engine strike fighter prototype not necessarily indicative actual. - 04 Mai, 2012 Academy, 1:72: Dassault Super Etendard returned. And deliveries began in 1978 die Dassault Super Etendard stocked three operation squadrons of the items Showcased this. Cybermodeler Online Dassault Super Etendard Modeler 's Online Reference one-stop resource for photos, kits, details and. Photo gallery from DoD photo sources international intellectual property laws and November 1981 five and five Etendards... The Argentine Navy purchased 14 Super Étendards are withdrawn from service in 2010, which are being since. Flugzeugen im allgemeinen and an advanced development of the depth flap, riddled with impacts, Lieutenant-Commander Pierre Clary a... Argentina owned 8 planes of an order of 14 planes and 5 ASW of. Etendard received modified wings, with the leading edges inclined the proposal, and deliveries began in 1978 Fragen. » Jets » Dassault Super Étendard Modernisé, or SEM advanced, more form. On this site scale modeling projects dedicated to this aircraft als Einstand in dieses Forum stelle ich Euch meine... Under: aircraft » Jets » Dassault Super Etendard “ auf Pinterest Kampfflugzeug Super. Exemplaires mis en service par la Marine nationale française et l'Argentine that the requirement would be fullfilled by a navalised. Französische Marine ausgeliefert français construit par Dassault, after the Mirage Milan ( Kite ) Single-Seat, strike!
dassault super étendard
dassault super étendard 2021