So, here are some of the most common varieties: African Butterfly (Anomalochromis thomasi) The African butterfly cichlid originates … e.async = 1; if ( gfchelper.isAdProviderAllowed("taboola") ) { It is best to set up a single-species aquarium with at least one confirmed pair if you wish to breed them. Fishes belonging to the Acara family are found only in the tropical regions of Central and South America. Pear cichlid; Angelfish; Uaru cichlid; Blue Acara Cichlid Breeding. Aequidens pulcher was first described in 1858. Unfortunately, there are several misconceptions about oscar care, which are often passed around and can seriously harm this species. Browse our latest freshwater fish profiles below. Habitat: South America: Brazil, Paraguay & Bolivia. var dfp728Slots = []; This was Porto alegre in Brazil and they have been extremely popular with fish keepers since. Species: Cichlasoma portalegrense. Native to Lake Malawi in eastern Africa, peacock cichlids live near the bottom of the warm, deep water where it searches for food in the sandy substrate. Some Acaras exhibit horizontal stripes, broken lines, or patches of color on the body, often with a dark lateral stripe running through the eye and along the midsection of the fish. Those of you who are interested in the various types of cichlids, needn't look further. This adaptable species is very popular in the fishkeeping hobby on account of its beautiful colours, relatively peaceful temperament, and its willingness to reproduce so readily in the home aquarium. They will try their best to uproot any plants you put in their tank, as well as move around driftwood and rocks. The fish inhabits in Central and South America: Columbia, Venezuela, Trinidad. Here we profile some of the world’s most popular freshwater fish species, from the Neon Tetra to the Pearl Gourami. You will need a rather large tank to accommodate your angelfish’s complex social structures, as well any accompanying tank mates you want to share that same space. Zebra acara’s prefer to spawn in caves so either add rockwork or upturned plant pots to the breeding tank. These are undemanding fish and are the perfect beginner's cichlid. If you spot a parrot cichlid that is an unusual color, such as purple or green, you may want to consult with the breeder. It’s recommended to look into how the breeder raised them and then copy their methods. Ils sont de la famille des Cichlidae , un groupe bien connu parmi les amateurs de pisciculture. The species name (Pulcher) given to them is defined as beautiful in Latin. .build(); Also just because a fish is "peaceful" does not mean he will not want to have a snack on smaller fish. function vsCFTaboolaHeaderEU() { Let’s take a look at nine of the best cichlids, so you can better decide which cichlid species is right for you! } Aug 6, 2013 - This Pin was discovered by Tiffany Brandt. Common Names: Smiling acara, flag acara, flag cichlid, curviceps, dwarf flag cichlid, sheepshead acara, blunt-head cichlid, etc. Oscars Silver dollar Polyptérus Jaguar Rainbow cichlid Blood parrot Jack dempsey White convict Blue acara Plécos Catfish - 600 Litres Angelfish still remain one of the most popular cichlids among aquarists – even today. }); The Blue Acara is known from a variety of habitats, including clear free-flowing streams and rivers, as well as turbid standing waters. They’re an extremely well-liked fish among aquarists and in recent years we’ve seen interest in them increase even more. 2 The 9 Popular Cichlid Types. Cichlids can coexist with certain species of fish. These can include logs, caves, and decorative dens, so they can ease into their new surroundings gradually. This video explains more about cichild types. Different species of Acara Cichlid can be found in both still waters and turbulent waters, including clear flowing streams and tributaries. The threadfin acara (Acarichthys heckelii), also known as Heckel's thread-finned acara, is a South American species of cichlid fish. You can also purchase a few of the more popular cichlid subspecies at your local Petco, Petsmart, or fish store. Peacock cichlids are another dazzling cichlid species from Lake Malawi. Its species term pulcher means "beautiful", and true to its name it is a beautiful medium sized fish cichlid. Blue acara cichlids are primarily carnivorous fish, which means they prefer a meat-based diet. Normal blues are also super peaceful for a Central American cichlid – but they tend to be more territorially aggressive than EBs. The genus Andinoacara is restricted to freshwater habitats in northwestern South America (Trinidad and the Orinoco Basin west to the … }(document.createElement('script'), document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], '//'); Diet: Many cichlids specialize in eating one type of food; notwithstanding, some of these specialized This subspecies may also be referred to as the tiger oscar, velvet cichlid, or marble cichlid. Social behaviour: Territorial but generally peaceful, can be combined with other species of a similar size & nature. Etymology. Blue Acara Tropical Fish Learn all about the Blue Acara's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. It is sometimes found in the aquarium trade With that in mind, suitable plants are only those which naturally grow in Lake Malawi, like Vallisneria. Identifié par: Kullander, 1983 Sparus filamentosus Gronow, 1854 , avec la localité type à Suriname. Species profile and care guide for an amazing cichlid, the electric blue acara. dfp728Slots[i].set('adsense_background_color','ffffff'); However, in truth, they are just as aggressive as most other cichlid species. As such, they thrive in tanks with very hard water and rocky decor that is lime-based or calcareous. //Add Taboola Header tag functions to eu and non-eu arrays. In male specimens, the fins are longer than the female’s, and the rays of the anal and dorsal fins typically arch around the caudal fin. The same can be said for choosing suitable tank mates as well. You should always try to make sure they get enough protein from their diet, especially from the meat-based food sources they get. dfp728Slots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_728x90_Bottom_PETS_Content', [728, 90], 'PetGuide_com_728x90_Bottom_PETS_Content').defineSizeMapping(dfpMapping728x90).addService(googletag.pubads())); Currently, there are at least 20 recognized species of peacock cichlids, though not all are available in the aquarium hobby. Our list of cichlid types covers a wide array of species from all around the world. These decorations can keep mineral levels high, as well as provide nice places for them to hide. googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_320x50_Bottom_PETS_Mobile', [320,50], 'PetGuide_com_320x50_Bottom_PETS_Mobile').defineSizeMapping(googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 10], [99999, 99999]).addSize([642, 10], [99999, 99999]).addSize([0, 0], [320, 50]).build()).addService(googletag.pubads()); } © 2013 VerticalScope Inc. All rights reserved. Peacock Cichlid Types. The Cichlidae family is a large and diverse family, with at least 1300 scientifically described species, and more than 160 genera. Cichlids come in three temperaments: aggressive, moderate, and peaceful. googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_300x250_Bottom_PETS_Mobile', [300,250], 'PetGuide_com_300x250_Bottom_PETS_Mobile').defineSizeMapping(googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 10], [99999, 99999]).addSize([642, 10], [99999, 99999]).addSize([0, 0], [300, 250]).build()).addService(googletag.pubads()); Oscar cichlids are larger than the average cichlid, and have larger-than-life personalities and appearances to match. Not all plants will appreciate these parameters, however, so choose aquarium plants with caution. Care and keeping in a tank. They are an extremely colorful and hardy fish species, which can bring a unique personality to your tank. Cichlids / South America / Port Acara Profile: Port Acara, Black Acara Cichlasoma portalegrense Synonyms: Acara minuta, A. portalegrensis, Aequidens portalegrensis Physical description: An oval shaped cichlid with a deep body. These are a lot tougher than some of the other weaker genes. } else { There could be over 1500 species, but most of these still need to be described by scientists.. South America is also home to lots of cichlid species; there are even some that live in Asia. Its color is mostly a steel blue-gray, but it is distinguished from other Acara species by a broader forehead. While it may be adequate for younger oscars, they will soon outgrow this tank when they reach their full size of 13.5 inches. Habitat: This is the primary location where the cichlid is found and is a generalization. Laetacara dorsigera (HECKEL, 1840) Redbreast Acara SynonymsTop ↑. If that’s not possible, you can always place them in a large freshwater tank; most will adapt without excessive trouble. Despite their meaner tendencies, cichlids have proven themselves to be quite personable as well. During breeding, the male develops a series o… As their name may suggest, jewel cichlids truly are the jewels of the aquarium world. }(document.createElement('script'), document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0], '//'); True acaras are the larger of the two, growing between 6 and 12 inches in length while other Acaras grow no larger than 6 inches. Whether or not it’s ethical to breed this subspecies into existence is a point of contention among aquarists – and has been for many years. The Electric Blue Acara is a color morph of the Blue Acara. Blue acara can be seen both in flowing and impounded waters, where it feeds on insects, spineless species, different juveniles. dfp728Slots[i].set('adsense_text_color','000000'); Like I said my female is a bully with smaller fish but is a perfect angle with her larger tank mates. Some species divide into monogamous pairs and lay their eggs on flat rocks while others scatter their eggs on plants. A quel prix acheter un poisson andinoacara pulcher (acara bleu) ? They readily greet their keepers and beg them for food when it’s time to eat. Acara dorsiger Heckel, 1840; Aequidens dorsiger (Heckel, 1840). Being opportunists they are omnivores, the best sources of food for the Blue Acara that are high in protein consist of blood worms, brine shrimp, insects and pellets. This site is part of the Amazon affiliate program. The perks of these little darlings start with their physical appearance. The result of such selection was the emergence of a unique and unusually beautiful fish, which was so loved by aquarists around the world. You’ll simply have to be on the lookout for the common diseases that plague all fish . May also be seen on sale as Dwarf Flag Cichlid, Sheepshead Acara, or Smiling Acara. They have rounded, diamond-shaped bodies and large eyes that make them seem more emotive than other types of fish. googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); dfp728Slots[i].set('adsense_link_color','0000aa'); It will rarely cause you any trouble and will get along with most fish just fine. .addSize([768, 200], [728, 90]) If we tried to describe them all, then you’d be reading this for days. The Electric Blue Acara is an omnivore and should be fed a variety of foods, such as frozen or freeze-dried brine shrimp, bloodworms, blackworms, flake food, and Cichlid pellets. They rarely, if ever, play well with other fish, even those from the same subspecies as them, so tankmates may be out of the question. The Blue Acara Aequidens pulcher has been a cichlid of choice for many years for the South American cichlid aquarium. _taboola.push({article:'auto'}); They are attractive medium sized cichlids, reaching about 6 - 8 inches, that are easy to care for and do well with tankmates in a cichlid community tank. The cichlid family is so vast that there are many types of cichlids that make good aquarium inhabitants. googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(); // ads to be on every page e.async = 1; They are a mid-sized Cichlid that grows up to 7” (17 cm) in captivity and around 8” (20 cm) in the wild. Male mbunas are notoriously territorial and will defend that territory from anything they see as a threat – especially other males. They’re interesting to watch, and they’re one of the more peaceful species of cichlids. googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_190x27_Sponsor_PETS_Content', [190, 27], 'PetGuide_com_190x27_Sponsor_PETS_Content').addService(googletag.pubads()); They are from the Cichlidae family, a well-known group among fishkeeping enthusiasts. Many aquarists have often toyed with the breeding of this already hybrid species, for many different reasons – most of which are cosmetic in nature. Here are the essentials of shipping and receiving fish through the mail. There is no natural habitat from which they originated, so it can be difficult to know the right parameters for them to live in. function vsCFTaboolaHeaderNonEU() { Search for. L’Acara bleu électrique ( Andinoacara pulcher ) est un poisson d’eau douce originaire des rivières et des lacs à faible débit d’Amérique centrale et du Sud. Copyright © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); –, 9 Best Types Of Cichlids For Your Aquarium, The 10 Best Schooling Fish For Your Aquarium, 12 Of The Coolest Different Types Of Goldfish. La lumière dépendra du type et de la quantité de plantes que vous choisirez. A brownish body color with tones of bright-blue. e.src = u; Electric Blue Acara may bully or even eat very small fish like Neon Tetra, but can be kept with most all types of community fish larger than 2 inches (5 cm) in length. Type Locality: N/A Range: Lower portions of tributaries of the Amazon River Basin in Brazil Taxonomic Troubles: Originally described as Acara curviceps. Because of this, cichlids can come in a wide variety of body shapes, sizes, colorations, and patterns. In the home aquarium, these fish should be offered a combination of flakes, pellets, meaty foods, and carnivore pellets. Comprising the entire Aulonocara genus of freshwater fish, the peacock cichlid, or simply peacocks, are about the friendliest and most peaceful cichlids you can find to keep in your aquarium. Cichlids are quite the active, durable fish species, and they’ve been a particular favorite of freshwater aquarium enthusiasts over the years. This will prevent accidental uprooting. Special Requirements - As with other similar cichlids, the Acara should be kept in a tank of 100L minimum. Cichlid Species. console.log("cf: taboola googlefc not found. If you plan to keep a single pair of these, an aquarium of at least 30 gallons will work fine. Types of the Ram Cichlids. The Blue Acara is native to the waters of Central and South America. Potential size: 15cm. 2.1 Kribensis Cichlid; 2.2 Mbuna Cichlid; 2.3 Parrot Cichlid; 2.4 Angelfish; 2.5 Discus; 2.6 Oscar; 2.7 Convict Cichlid; 2.8 Peacock Cichlid; 2.9 Jewel Cichlid; 3 … .addSize([1024, 200], [728, 90]) Its color is mostly a steel blue-gray, but it is distinguished from other Acara species by a broader forehead. Interestingly, the scientific name 'Laetacara' translates as 'smiling/happy cichlid' in reference to the 'smiling' appearance of fish from this genus. Electric blue acaras are super peaceful for a cichlid – particularly a Central American cichlid. These fish also appreciate rock caves and other hiding places. '//'; If you are unsure about their compatibility with another species, you can use this Compatibility Chart. There are many types of Severum Cichlids which occur naturally, few of them are Heros efasciatus, Heros … The Blue Acara Aequidens pulcher has been a cichlid of choice for many years for the South American cichlid aquarium. I myself give some of this food to my pets and as for the rest I’ve heard and read lots of good reviews. It is a hybrid that is bred in Singapore by crossing cichlids that live in America. These include many different types of xanthistic forms which are known as the electric blue rams or the gold rams as well as the larger and high bodied, flattened balloon form varieties. The Top 10 Worst . It’s ultimately up to you whether you want to give your kribensis cichlids tank mates. if (typeof(dfp728Slots) !== 'undefined' && dfp728Slots.length > 0) { dfp728Slots.push(googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_728x90_Top_PETS_Content', [728, 90], 'PetGuide_com_728x90_Top_PETS_Content').defineSizeMapping(dfpMapping728x90).addService(googletag.pubads())); We have purchasing options available for 2" and 3" fish. for (var i = 0; i < dfp728Slots.length; i++) { Always use a filtration system that is rated for the water volume contained in the aquarium. Like all fish, the Electric Blue Acara is susceptible to multiple types of diseases. Blue Acara, Flag Acara, Red Port Acara, Keyhole Acara, Green Terror, Two-Spot Acara, Photo credit: Loïc Tremblay/Wikimedia; ChamilleWhite/Bigstock. They originated in Lake Malawi, an African great lake that is considered the ninth largest lake in the world. }); It is the only member of the genus Acarichthys and is native to rivers in the Amazon and Essequibo basins in tropical South America, and has become established in southeastern Asia. These fish can max out in length at 6". document.write(''); The 9 Popular Cichlid Types Kribensis Cichlid. })(); googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_300x250_Top1_PETS_Content', [300,250], 'PetGuide_com_300x250_Top1_PETS_Content').defineSizeMapping(googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 10], [300, 250]).addSize([642, 10], [300, 250]).addSize([0, 0], [99999, 99999]).build()).addService(googletag.pubads()); Much like the mbuna, peacock cichlids thrive in hard waters that have a high mineral content and pH level. Up for sale are Electric Blue Acara. When you try to breed them, increase the temperatures slightly and make sure the acidity levels are neutral. The ideal temperature range for Acaras is 72°F to 79°F. pH Range – 6.5 – 8.0. It’s possible that your fish has been dyed. Just keep in mind that they are bottom dwellers, so if you do want to give them friends, make sure they are fish who inhabit the upper parts of the tank. They’re very attractive. Another version says that it was created as a result of a crossbreeding of turquoise and a bluish-spotted acara. The most notable of this latter category include the angelfish, oscars, and discus cichlids. Usually, this only happens if a foreign fish has accidentally crossed into their territory or if they’re in combat. Aquarium electric blue acara Cichlid fish is one of the more pretty fish in the industry now. Discover (and save!) They are a relatively tolerant fish that has a peaceful temperament. Make sure you provide this subspecies with many hiding places and a sandy substrate that they can dig into. The body of males is greenish-gray, while females tend to have red and brown hues. Many people believe that set-ups as small as 30 gallons are adequate for these cichlids. Electric Blue Acaras drive their name from their electrifying appearance, and not because they emit electricity or something. Its species term pulcher means "beautiful", and true to its name it is a beautiful medium sized fish cichlid. You need to install a strong filtration system as well, as these busy creatures will produce ample waste. your own Pins on Pinterest Yellow African Cichlid. Species – Blue Acara - Aequidens Pulcher. googletag.defineSlot('/1030735/PetGuide_com_160X600_RightBottom_PETS_Content', [160,600], 'PetGuide_com_160X600_RightBottom_PETS_Content').defineSizeMapping(googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 10], [160, 600]).addSize([642, 10], [160, 600]).addSize([0, 0], [99999, 99999]).build()).addService(googletag.pubads()); Since this lake rests over active tectonic plates, the water has high pH, GH (general hardness), mineral, and KH (carbonate hardness) levels. .addSize([480, 200], [320, 50]) Once you know whether to shop for fresh or saltwater varieties of cichlids, you need to consider the size of the aquarium and what species of fish are already living in it. 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